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Submission status for http://www.all-business-logo.com

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Kindly read the FAQ which explains how to request the status of a submission including the need to provide a clickable link for the category to which the site was submitted.

Sorry about my annoyance. Do you mean that I still don't select correct category and submit it?


I remember that I have sumbited to dmoz.com about 3 months ago.

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No, it means that we can't tell you the status if you don't give us a clickable linl for the category in which you suggested the site.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

I ca'n't find a submission for that URL in that category, and there is no record of it having been reviewed. Please feel free to resubmit the site, once, to the most appropriate category, and then return here in a month for another status update.
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