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Thanks for checking, beebware. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Could you please help me some more? In respect of your comment "It's unlikely to be listed", I checked the Product Listing guidelines as you suggested and to me, it seems we meet them. We are an independent business (we are not an affiliate, nor a distributor for a single manufacturer) which sells products from 20 different manufacturers. As you point out, we already have a listing at http://dmoz.org/Computers/Hardware/Peripherals/Printers/Supplies/Inkjet . The problem is that this cat represents only half our sales - the other half of our sales comes from toner and toner cartridges. This is why we applied to the http://dmoz.org/Computers/Hardware/Peripherals/Printers/Supplies/Laser_Toner/ category.


In your opinion, would it be better for our home page to be moved to http://dmoz.org/Computers/Hardware/Peripherals/Printers/Supplies/, where people seeking laser toner as well as ink jet cartridges, will be able to find our store? Our problem is that people seeking laser toner cartridges cannot find our store in DMOZ, at present.


Thanks for your help.





>> people seeking laser toner as well as ink jet cartridges, will be able to find our store?


Makes sense for the final user's benefit. Moved one level up.


Since I see in your contact page that you are located in San Diego, CA, you may want to submit to the S.Diego /Computers category, too.

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No need to submit to the locality. I moved your other duplicate submission there, where in due time (usually fairly quickly) a regional editor will have a look at it.
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