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If i search for shopping from within the Dmoz search engine, it takes me to the category Top: Shopping: Directories and at the bottom of this page is a list of inclusions within this category.

But there is no suggest url link on top of page for this category.

Therefore I can not suggest my web sites which are appropriate for this category.

I have tried suggesting my sites to categories other than the above for the past year, but as of yet no inclusion. My web sites are as follows in case i am trying to suggest to wrong catergory:




I thank you for your time to anyone who replies to this post.

Site suggestions are disabled there because the category is already pretty well all embracing. Please try to find a more specific category.



I have tried all different categories because this one has no add your site listing ontop of menu.

i have even tried 3 times in past year to place the uk shopping website in the

Uk regional shopping directory and Dmoz have visited my site but no inclusion.

To me it looks like a closed shop so as to speak as none of my shopping sites can get listed.

  • Meta
If you would like to get a status for your suggestion please read the forum guidelines (link in my signature) and than post in the appropriate part of this forum.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


Try drilling down from the top levels. Everyone tries to get listed at the top and we have had to shut off most submissions there because the editors spent most of their time moving sites rather than editing.


Look under general merchandise (no submissions there) and pick the letter of the alphabet that matches the name of your company. You should be able to submit there.

  • Meta

It is not merely "usually" but invariably a mistake to break your content into multiple sites to get more ODP visibility. It gets less.


And yes, the ODP is absolutely closed to certain kinds of "content". If you see other sites that contain no more content than yours, please report them in our Abuse forum.

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