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Where are my wedding sites?

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I've been trying since last summer to submit a few wedding sites ( www.rexcraft.com, www.annswedding.com, www.now-and-forever.com etc.) to the Shopping: Weddings: Invitations and Announcements category without any luck. I have resubmitted and even mailed the category editors repeatedly, but I do not get any response. These are very popular sites for brides, as they all carry their own direct mail catalog, but I have not had any luck getting them listed. Any information on what I am doing wrong, or advice on how to get these sites included would be appreciated.
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Thank you for submitting to the correct category. /images/icons/smile.gif


http://www.rexcraft.com/ Deleted due to editorial discretion. If a site is deemed to not have unique content, ODP editors reserve the right to *not* list the site.


http://www.annswedding.com/ Deleted due to affiliate program. ODP does not list sites consisting of affiliate links.


http://www.now-and-forever.com/ Has no notes, and does not appear in the queue.


(This response is just from briefly checking URL notes before I head to bed. I did not take the time to actually visit the sites themselves.)

Guest WLauzon
Doing a search on the phone numer provided, I come up with a total of around 12 sites, all pretty much identical affiliate sites...

Ahhh, now it all makes sense. I had similar trouble getting these sites into Yahoo (had to pay the $199 fee twice for some). But then we gave them this explanation:

All of these sites are independent companies, that produce their own direct mail catalog of invitations. These 12 sites also market to different niche audiences (i.e. www.now-and-forever.com carries Disney invitations, www.evangelwedding.com carries Christian and Precious Moments invites, and www.rexcraft.com is the largest print wedding catalog in the country etc.) I could go on if need be, but I feel carpal tunnel setting in... As for the affiliate links, they are not really as they appear (I assume you were referring to the links in the upper right corner). These are portal and planning sites that provide a kind of wedding community. No money is gained by any company for referrals. If you shop on any of these portal sites, you will notice that the invitations take you back to the individual catalog site, and not through a central company. With this explanation in mind, is there any way that I would be able to enter these sites into the Open Directory? If you have any more questions or I didn't explain everything well enough, please reply. Thanks for your time.

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