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Submission Status - http://www.dreamspaces.net

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Guest wkallander

Since it was last submitted less than a month ago (16.12.2002), please allow at least a month before checking status.


Your site is currently awaiting review with about a hundred others.

  • 5 weeks later...
Hi, any word on this submission? It's now been 1.5 months.
It's still waiting for review, along with about a hundred other submissions. It seems there's a lack of editors in this part of the directory, so I guess it'll take quite some time. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />
  • 1 month later...
Guest bnhall
Is there still no movement?
Since your last inquiry, about ten sites have been added to this category. Other submissions have been moved to other categories or rejected. Thus the number of sites waiting for review has decreased. But your submission has not been touched yet.
  • 1 year later...
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