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status http://www.paydayloan-fastcash.com

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Hi Everyone ... this is my first post on DMOZ. I know all DMOZ editors are incredibly busy, and I appreciate them taking the time to read posts. In early December, I submitted the site http://www.paydayloan-fastcash.com to be listed in the DMOZ directory. I have not heard anything since. Can I please get a status update?






Hi Motsa,


Thank you for your prompt response.


We are not a lead generator for Fast Media Leads. We are the actual company that issues the loans (www.prldirect.com).


We also own Fast Media Leads Ltd. but that is only because we have a list of 8 States that we do not loan to. When someone applies from one of our declined States, we capture that lead with Fast Media Leads Ltd. To date, we have not sold any leads, and have not even attempted to partner with other payday loan companies.


The list of States and Provinces that we do not loan to are: CO, CT, GA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, SK, WV.


If you notice, when you click "Apply Now" on the http://www.paydayloan-fastcash.com , you an application form on http://www.paydayloan-application.com. This is our internal web server. The only reason we do not host all pages on our internal web server is because we do not have the bandwidth.


If you notice, every time you apply for a loan, you apply with Payroll Loans Direct (www.prldirect.com), which is us.


To summarize, we are not a lead generating company, the lead generation was simply an idea we had to handle applications that came from our list of declined States.


Sorry about the long post ...



Given what can be seen without actually applying for a payday loan on any of the URLs that make up this site (prldirect.com, paydayloan-fastcash.com, secure.telenium.ca, www.paydayloan-application.com, etc.), it looks like a lead generator. You provide zero contact details beyond a fill-in form and a button to connect to live chat. You provide neglible company information, not even the name.
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