Guest Posted March 7, 2002 Posted March 7, 2002 Welcome to the non-English Forum ! This is an area dedicated to discussions about ODP in languages other than English, or about ODP categories of the World branch. If you need to discuss general ODP-related issues and you can read and write in English, please consider posting in one of the specific Forums, otherwise post here in your preferred language and we will do our best to answer your questions. If you need to discuss issues related to the World branch of the ODP, you can post here either in English or in your preferred language.
Meta yklaw Posted March 8, 2002 Meta Posted March 8, 2002 Yes, welcome everyone. /images/icons/smile.gif Feel free to post as long as they follow the guidelines. /images/icons/smile.gif Of course, I don't claim to understand more than two or three of the world's languages. 1
Guest Posted March 25, 2002 Posted March 25, 2002 Grazie per la bellissima iniziativa. Complimenti /images/icons/smile.gif Se questo è il forum per la lingua non inglese, è lecito porre domande relative agli altri forum in inglese in questo thread?
Guest Posted March 26, 2002 Posted March 26, 2002 Chirone: Qualsiasi domanda relativa a qualsiasi categoria di ODP, se posta in lingua non inglese, va postata in questo Forum. Qualsiasi domanda relativa al tree World e K&T/International, in qualsiasi lingua venga formulata, va postata i questo Forum.
Guest Posted March 26, 2002 Posted March 26, 2002 Complimenti per il bellissimo forum, ci voleva proprio !! JoeFox
Guest Posted March 26, 2002 Posted March 26, 2002 forum aggiunto tra i preferiti ... unico "dispiacere" non poterlo frequentare assiduamente per il poco tempo a disposizione ... /images/icons/frown.gif perchè le giornate non durano 48 ore al posto di 24??? /images/icons/smile.gif bye /images/icons/wink.gif
Guest brooklyn25ny Posted March 27, 2002 Posted March 27, 2002 Re: Welcome Bienvenu Wilkommen Benvenuto Bienvenid A velt mit kleyne veltelekh! A varemen grus alemen. ODP redaktor brooklyn25ny
Guest fradefra Posted March 27, 2002 Posted March 27, 2002 Ciao Ak76, benvenuto. Sono contento di vederti qui! /images/icons/smile.gif
Guest Posted March 28, 2002 Posted March 28, 2002 oramai ci incontriamo ovunque ... "virtualmente" /images/icons/smile.gif
Meta mauri Posted March 30, 2002 Meta Posted March 30, 2002 Non riesco a modificare un messaggio precedentemente creato. Ciao ! <A HREF="">ODP Meta Editor mauri</A>
Meta mauri Posted March 30, 2002 Meta Posted March 30, 2002 Mi sento negato, ma imparerò. /images/dmoz/purplegrin.gif ODP Meta Editor mauri
Guest Posted March 30, 2002 Posted March 30, 2002 E' necessario cliccare su "Edit" che compare in alto a destra nel messaggio da editare, cambiare (o rimuovere) le parti che si desidera editare, e quindi cliccare su "Continua", confermando poi nella schermata successiva.
mcdutchie Posted March 31, 2002 Posted March 31, 2002 Multe felicitationes con iste nove foros public. /images/icons/smile.gif Il es bon que le initiatores ha considerate le inclusion de linguas non-anglese in iste processo de "disobscurization" del ODP. Totevia, considerante que le redactores de World/* dispone de un proprie foro interne pro cata lingua major, il sembla un poco estranie que in iste foros public, tote iste linguas del mundo es agglomerate in un singule foro, con mesmo le indication que il es sempre preferite scriber in le foros anglese, si possibile; il es quasi como le linguas non-anglese es considerate de nulle importantia, como un cosa a evitar. Considera que le operationes interne del ODP probabilemente sembla mesmo plus enigmatic pro non-anglophonos que pro anglophonos. Considera in ultra que le membro medie del publico mundial probabilemente non parla anglese equalmente ben que le redactor medie de World/*. Considerante iste duo factores, il me pare que le publico international merita al minus equal opportunitates de exprimer se in "non-anglese" que le redactores, a fin de poter participar effectivemente. In mi opinion, le presente marginalization del "resto del mundo" non servi a promover le imagine mundial e aperte del ODP al publico. Nonobstante, mi optime desiros pro le successo de iste foro! - mcdutchie, redactor de World/Interlingua, qui ha decidite de scriber in interlingua simplemente proque illo non es anglese. /images/dmoz/purplegrin.gif
Guest Posted March 31, 2002 Posted March 31, 2002 mcdutchie: I cannot write in internlingua, but I can read it /images/icons/smile.gif We are actually planning to have different Forums for each non-English language. We will set these up, and move pertinent threads in them, as soon as a specific language gets "traffic" (posts and new threads). At present, it would be space-consuming to set up, say, an Italian Forum (which I would welcome, being Italian), until we see more Italian members discussing issues in Italian language. OTOH, a French Forum will probably be needed soon, looking at the number of threads opened. This is therefore not an attempt to be "English-centric", just a fair and logic management of the Forum space and threads organisation.
mcdutchie Posted April 2, 2002 Posted April 2, 2002 ettore, gratias pro le clarification - multo appreciate. Iste politica non era initialmente clar a me, mais me sembla rationabile e practic.
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