kkimick Posted August 30, 2004 Posted August 30, 2004 I am writing for the status of http://www.recoverythreads.com. Site submitted to: http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Health/Substance_Abuse/Twelve_Step/ I would appreciate any info available. Thanks, Kevin K. Recovery Threads LLC.http://www.recoverythreads.com
donwiebe Posted August 30, 2004 Posted August 30, 2004 The submission has been received and is awaiting review. If you don't see it listed sometime in the next six months, please feel free to return for a status update on or after 1 March.
kkimick Posted December 16, 2004 Author Posted December 16, 2004 Just Curious... It's been almost four months since I last checked on the status of the submission for http://www.recoverythreads.com and I'm curious as to why it takes so long, especially since the submission is in a listing that only has 20 other listings. It's tough to wait so long when you're trying to get your business going and you're held at the mercy of someone else and have no recourse. Thanks, Kevin K. Recovery Threads
bobrat Posted December 16, 2004 Posted December 16, 2004 Please read the forum FAQ for usefull info on this and other questions you may have.
Meta hutcheson Posted December 16, 2004 Meta Posted December 16, 2004 You don't have to wait! Anything you could have done to promote your business if the ODP had never existed, you can still do now -- and you still should be doing...
kkimick Posted December 17, 2004 Author Posted December 17, 2004 Thanks Hutcheson, We are! We promote heavily with Google and can be found on just about every search engine (that doesn't rely on ODP) which is the point of my frustration. Our business is doing great and people are finding us because of our marketing our site. Again, frustation is just that the time element involved here is a less than one could hope for. If this was the extent of marketing our business, we've never got off the ground.
jimnoble Posted December 17, 2004 Posted December 17, 2004 ....which neatly demonstrates that an ODP listing isn't essential to the building of a successful net based business .
mbhmirc Posted December 17, 2004 Posted December 17, 2004 ....which neatly demonstrates that an ODP listing isn't essential to the building of a successful net based business . not essential but it defently helps
Meta hutcheson Posted December 17, 2004 Meta Posted December 17, 2004 Well, we don't mind accidentally helping. It's not our mission, and if listing your site accidentally hurts someone else (or vice versa), we aren't concerned about that either. And yes, we'd be happy for more good, enthusiastic, reliable help. It's hard to find...good people have more important things to do; enthusiasm is easily lost or redirected; reliability is hard to establish online.
kkimick Posted December 29, 2004 Author Posted December 29, 2004 So.................what's the status? Being listed would REALLY be nice.
Meta hutcheson Posted December 29, 2004 Meta Posted December 29, 2004 The status is: you are next eligible for a status check on 4/30/2005.
bobrat Posted December 29, 2004 Posted December 29, 2004 when you're trying to get your business going and you're held at the mercy of someone else and have no recourseIf you really believe that the listing of your site in ODP is going to make you successfull, your business plan is fatally flawed. If you stop wasting your energry on ODP, and concentrate on improving your web site, and other forms of marketing, it will probably have more effect that the ODP listing ever will.
Meta hutcheson Posted December 29, 2004 Meta Posted December 29, 2004 You are not at the mercy of the ODP. You are (by your own choice) waiting for the grace of the ODP. There's a world of difference.
RaCeR---X Posted January 11, 2005 Posted January 11, 2005 This whole ODP thing makes me want to barf! Although I’m not directly affected by this, I think the party line taken by ODP members that they don't have an affect on search engine rankings is absurd! The ODP people would like to believe that their actions, OR MORE LIKELY, lack of action, doesn’t affect a business and it's rankings. Well, for those of you not in the know---what the ODB Gods do does make a HUGE difference in rankings when it comes to ODP reliant search engines. I think it whole fully dysfunctional to put a person in charge of a particular area of expertise, then give them the ability to choose who is included, and who is excluded. Especially, when they themselves usually stand to gain when they conveniently exclude a competitor from the list they not only administer in ODP, but coincidently are directly connected with the company that lists at the top. The term DIRECTORY, should indicate a non-bias, complete as possible, listing of relevant resources. I would never use the word DIRECTORY with the ODP. Other terms like GOOD ‘OL BOYS NETWORK, and WE'LL GET AROUND TO IT SOMEDAY are better suited to describe the practices of the ODP. All ODP people should take a few moments and recognize that their actions DO affect others search engine rankings. Continuing to deny this fact makes you look foolish. Just like Kobe Bryant stating, “I never asked to be a role model to kids, and I don’t want that responsibility” the reporter interviewing Mr. Bryant rebutted, “Whether you want it or not, YOU ARE a role model, You may not like it, but the responsibility is yours to handle.” That’s just the way it is with ODP."
kkimick Posted May 5, 2005 Author Posted May 5, 2005 Follow up to submission for Recoverythreads.com Yes, it has been many moons since I last checked on the submission status of our site but enough moons have passed now. Any chance it'll ever be added to the directory? Thanks, Kevin Kimick Recovery Threads
Meta hutcheson Posted May 5, 2005 Meta Posted May 5, 2005 The site is still waiting there for review. So far as I can tell, it hasn't been reviewed yet, just mole-whacked a couple of times. (Extra submittals don't help you, but they do waste editors' time.) Since it hasn't been reviewed, it's not possible to say what the results of a review might be ... or (as always, of course) when the review might happen.
Meta hutcheson Posted May 5, 2005 Meta Posted May 5, 2005 Doesn't anybody remember the "Whack-a-Mole" children's arcade game? They give you a padded mallet, and you stand in front of a table filled with fist-sized holes, through which mole-head puppets pop at random intervals. Children (well, my children, at least) seemed to enjoy floundering around with a blunt instrument aiming at moving targets. Parents appreciate the blunt instrument being padded, and the moving targets not being other children for a change. A sure-fire winner, endless fun for all the family. There's something about some categories, or maybe it's the kind of people that create certain kinds of sites, that brings out the "if one submittal is good, two are better, and a three-ply cord is not easily unspammed" school of delusional fantasy. Ineffective, and counterproductive it is: because ... trust me, editors have seen it before. So if, say, I don't feel like reviewing actual sites, but I want to do something constructive, I have my list of categories where the moles are sure to have been busily tunnelling, take up the mallet, and go after the duplicates. It saves some other editor (who's looking for actual sites to review and list) time, and it's something constructive you can do without much of a functioning brain. Looking at it from the other side of the arcade table (the webmaster side): After a certain variable number of whacks (probably between 5 and 50) a site becomes an official garden pest and therefore an endangered species. Two or three dead mole pelts on a site's door are too common to excite notice among editors, but it is time for submitters to get really careful...like, break that submittal habit, remember to NOT submit any more, but remember TO check status periodically.
kkimick Posted May 5, 2005 Author Posted May 5, 2005 Mole-Whacked? If you are suggesting I have submitted our site more than once, you'd be wrong. I for the most part humor myself that we will ever show up on ODP. My conclusion after years of creating websites for other companies and my own is that ODP is mostly a waste of time but you have to try. I follow the stupid rules and submit once and have NEVER gotten a site listed. Recovery Threads is the first site I've really followed to see about getting listed. It's a good thing there are actual search engines that work in a timely manner; pity a lot of smaller ones pull from ODP, hence the reason to at least try to get listed.
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