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  • 1 month later...

Thanks, Don,


It's been a month or more now -- any news?


I incorrectly posted a new status request and was asked to stick to the original post, which this is. I was also told that a review can take anywhere from 2 hours to 2 years ... and I don't mean to hurry anyone. But is it possible to know if the submission is still pending review or if it's been declined for some reason?


If it's been declined, I'll want to fix whatever's objectionable and resubmit. But if it's still awaiting review, I'll just be patient.




  • 2 weeks later...

To Bump or Not To Bump?


They admonish us NOT to post a new thread to follow up on an old request, but to simply bump the old thread.


I can see that creating redundant threads is an undesrtirable thing. However, I think bumped threads don't get attention from anyone at DMOZ. If there are 2 or more messages in the tread, I think they ignore it. Look at this thread: 1 reply was made to the original post, suggesting I bump the thread in a month. Three subsequent bumps by me at roughly 1-week intervals (after waiting a month as requested) has attracted NO response from anyone at all.


I'm getting ready to start a new thread on this. Rules be damned!

  • 2 months later...

Another 3 Months Gone By - Just Bumping


Have I done anything wrong in my original submission to cause it to still be in the queue? I see that the category was last updated about 2 weeks ago, yet my submission is still pending.


Is it anything I can correct?




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