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  • Meta
ODP search is primary meant to search for categories, sites are more or less only displayed for people looking for a specific site, knowing how to find it. And the search correctly gives the Cambodia category, from where users cann drill down for sites matching their interest.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



  • Meta

Well, we hand out our data in RDF format, so everyone who wants to do so, can build his/her own search engine for it. Google has done so, as have many others. Dmoz servers are already terribly slow and search often times out, implementing a more complex approach would not do it any good.


Anyway, search features have been discussed over and over in this forum, no need for another go.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp




I sometimes wonder why/if anyone would ever use the DMOZ search engine. As was pointed out, Google's directory (http://www.google.com/dirhp) works great:


If you google the words: cambodia ministry of tourism

You get this as your first result:


Cambodia Tourism

Category: Regional > Asia > Cambodia > Government

Features country profile, attractions, and statistics of tourist arrivals. Also includes directory...

http://www.mot.gov.kh/ - Cached - Similar pages


So I'm curious: are there any end-user advantages to the DMOZ search over Google? IE, doesn't the Google Directory use exclusively the DMOZ data? Is the DMOZ search slightly more up-to-date than Google?



  • Meta
The only advantage is, that ODP search (if it is not broken) usually is a bit newer than google. But that depends mainly on Google's update schedule which we can't influence. DMOZ search is normally the same state as our RDF files, so if Google really wanted to, they could minimize that difference :)

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



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