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hi everyone,

i have been trying to submit a site to the directory after selecting the most appropiate category. but the submission keeps going to the misplaced folder while saying that the IP address could not be determined or the browser has a cached copy of the webpage.

not being a technical background i do not understand what the problem is. is it some fault on my part while filling inthe details???. could someone please advice.


Re: submission not going through


No, there is no problem. We have received your submission and it will be processed (as per any site) in due course.


The IP address problem is one of the "security features" the ODP has to try and prevent malicious bulk-submissions. Anything that accidently triggers that alert is diverted into the "Misplaced Sites" folder for an editor to "look over". If we find it is a 'normal submission' then the site is passed directly to the correct category for normal review (with just an extra day or so of delay) - however, if we notice that it is a malicious submission then action may be taken.

Guest sockmonkey

Re: submission not going through


Doesn't this run the risk of a person, in a very innocent manner, submitting their site multiple times, do to seeing that error message? And then isn't it possible for those multiple submissions to be seen as trying the "spam" the directory?

I only ask this question, based upon the high number of people who are getting this error. Between this board, and the other forums (such as newgroups and other seo forums) it sounds like this is a fairly widespread problem. I have even heard that whole sections of the UK experience this problem regularly.

Is there an effort to open the programming of the DMOZ to the open source community, such as SourceForge? Perhaps getting some of those people involved would help the DMOZ work through these, and the other major programmiung issues faster?

Just a thought.


Re: submission not going through


If a URL is submitted and it is already in the unreviewed queue of a category, it overwrites the previous submission. For example, if http://www.example.com/ was submitted 10 times to any category (even if it is or isn't "intercepted"), then only one copy will stay in the unreviewed queue. This is why we recommend only submitting once to a category - as further submissions will just replace your old one and, if the editor is processing the queue in "oldest submission first" order, it will push your site to 'the back of the queue'.


The 'interception/security/anti-spam' system is a bit sensitive, but as time progresses editors are refinining it, but it is just knowing what details to add. Some people seem to experience the problem more when submitting with Internet Explorer than with Netscape, Mozilla or Opera... I believe most of the problem is orientated around ISP cache servers (especially when the cache server is not 'seemless' and presents more than 1 IP address to the "general internet" - a relatively easy problem to fix for any knowledgable ISP).


I'm, in fact, in the UK myself - but when I've tried to replicate this problem - I have failed to do so. I've tried different browsers, turning my cache on and off, but I've yet to make it fail to me (and that's "acting" like the general public - not "editor" side).


As regarding "open sourcing" the ODP source code, many editors would like this (and an ODP staff member has expressed the same) but the approval for the source code to be "open sourced" is out of the our hands (I know it'll probably have to be 'authorised' by higher-level employees within Netscape and then Netscape Legal, and then appropriate disclaimers etc will have to be drawn up, download area set up etc etc - quite a lot of 'red tape' and stuff).


Re: submission not going through


thanks for the prompt reply .

but i have submitted my site


to 2 different cateogries once before christmas and once this week and both times to different caegories as the first category did not have an editor.

the first one was as full service printer with the letter "O" and the second was for "security printing".

could any one tell me if this site has been listed or if not what is the mistake i may have inadvertently done.


Re: submission not going through


1. You should have posted in the Submission Status Request forum, not in this one (and definitely not in two threads in this one).


2. When you ask for a status, please give us the actual dmoz.org category that you submitted to (i.e. http://dmoz.org/Business/Publishing_and_Printing/Printing/Full_Service_and_Commercial/O and http://dmoz.org/Business/Publishing_and_Printing/Printing/Security_Printing ).


3. In the future, please don't resubmit your site to a different category simply in the hopes of getting your site reviewed faster. Pick the one best category and just submit it there.


4. "Before Christmas" is not that long ago; neither is "this week". We generally ask that you wait at least a month after submitting before asking about your submission.


Having said that, your site isn't in and hasn't been touched in the unreviewed queue of either of those printing-related categories. I presume it is still waiting in the Misplaced folder as noted earlier in this thread, waiting for someone to sort it to the unreviewed queue of the appropriate category. Do not resubmit it. All you need to do now is wait patiently.


Please don't ask about it again until at least another month has gone by.


Re: submission not going through


terribly sorry for the mistake.

i am a novice at this and did not mean to break any guidelines.

i only submitted to 2 different categories as one of the categories did not have an editor and the other did.

thanks for the help


u will not be hearing from me soon

  • 2 weeks later...

Re: submission


good morning all.

is it early to ask about the site



another more important question but i di dnot know if i could start a new thread.


Q many sites use the ODP directory to provide their own results. they also have an add url link but do not say who they submit to .

is a submission made thru them goin to their database or to odp.

if it is to odp then is it considered as spam as many sites to do .?

and does the site submitted go to the end of the queue?

thanx in advance

Guest elwoodsharp

Re: submission


Goes straight to the ODP, isn't a work around, will go to the end of the queue and could appear as spam.

  • 1 month later...

Re: submission


I was going to look into it, but it seems that another editor was working in that category about an hour ago, and they listed your site. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Re: submission


>> i would be happier if the site was accepted ...


The site was actually accepted in the category you requested, and shows up in the category page.


>> when would the site appear in the search


The search database is update once a week, but we had some sw improvements lately which delayed the update for several weeks. The problems should have been solved, and we expect to have regular weekly updates now: try a search 7-10 days from now for your site title and you should see it in ODP search results.


BTW, please notice that the search facility at the ODP is used mainly by:

- editors looking for categories

- anxious webmasters looking for their own sites

You shouldn't therefore expect a load of direct traffic from ODP searches...


Re: submission


thank you for review ing the site. i was afraid tht since my last submsiion was in security printing i thght thta is whr it would end up.


as i understand the same site cannot be listed in more than one category.


after submitting i realised tht my description was not good and was afraid tht it would be drasctically cut, but i am happy with the description in its present form, i duuno if it will help with keywords but the description is good.


u said db would be updated in 10 days does this mean the update would go to the other sites which use the ODP db?

(is this the RDF dump wht is this actually)


once again thank you


Re: submission


Quick answer:


- when a site is reviewed and accepted it shows up imediately in the category page.


- once a week or so the RDF dump is generated, and the internal search database of ODP is updated (sites show up in the internal ODP search)


- the RDF dump (package containing all ODP data) is available online to downstream data users (other search engines and directories using ODP data), and they can pick it up when they want.


- we have absolutely NO control over when/how downstream data users update their db with ODP data, we just make these data available.


Re: submission


thank you for the reply.

ok is it possible (am i allowed) to have another listing for this site in the sub cat book printers ? using the update url.


Re: submission


>>is it possible (am i allowed) to have another listing for this site in the sub cat book printers


Sorry, no. Your site is listed in the category that better represents the content of the site.

  • 1 month later...
Guest vinod

Re: submission


Good morning everyone


I have jus submitted an update of my Title and description.


Could you tell me how long it may take for an editor to review it.

  • Meta

Re: submission


We are unable to give estimates on update requests. We are all human volunteers. Sorry. The update request *will* eventually get reviewed. <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />

Curlie: Been trying to give up the editing addiction since day 1. :moz:
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