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Dear ODP,


I submitted our site at the end of May and I have not heard anything back yet. Our site looks professional and it has good content. It definitely does not have anything "sketchy" going on that should bar it from inclusion. As far as I know none of our staff has any history with ODP editors that could be construed as negative.


Please let me know if you are just backlogged or if there is something else going on.


Thanks for your time,








Your suggestion has been received and is awaiting review. We can't predict when that might be. If it hasn't been listed in 6 months, please ask again.
  • 6 months later...

Your submission of July 2nd, 2004 is still waiting for review in Recreation: Travel: Specialty Travel: Adventure and Sports: Worldwide, along with many other sites. I'm sorry not to have better news. At least you can be assured that your site wasn't rejected and that an editor will review it - we only don't know when that will be.


If you don't find your site listed on September 3rd, 2005, you may come back to this thread (don't open a new one) and ask for another status check.




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