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Niche Directory submissions

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Our site is a directory for a specific niche within an industry and navigation is geographically based, ie., home page > state pages > city pages > 'individual participants' sub-domains'. We create a brief sub-domain site for each participant, eg., ourdomain.com/participant and link it from the 'city' page. Some, but not all, of our participants have their own corporate Web presence/domain, eg. companyname.com.

I have been trying to submit our individual participants' sub-domains in regional categories but have not been very successful. My question is, should we just submit all of the 'state' pages (currently 42) and/or all the 'city' pages (currently 303) to the regional categories, or should I continue trying to submit each individual participant's sub-domains to the regional categories? If none of these choices are likely, how would you suggest I proceed to maximize our exposure in DMOZ?


I'm not sure how to answer a question that amounts to "Please tell us how to spam you with the best results."


Please do not submit all (or any even) of the state or city pages. Please. As for the individual home builder pages, if the company doesn't have any other web presence, it's entirely likely (though not guaranteed) that those will get listed (if, however, the company in question has their own website, that will be listed instead).


I have been trying to submit our individual participants' sub-domains in regional categories but have not been very successful.
Are you kidding me? Your domain has over 70 listings already.

And people wonder why it takes so long to get listed in the ODP. It's because people like this guy create a huge quantity of pages with nothing more than a name and phone number, then they submit every single one to every category they think fitting. And we have to wade through and manually check each one before deleting it. Then higher level editors have to go trolling through the directory looking for all the listings that got past new/inexperienced editors and delete them as well.


And I can guarantee that he'll look all surprised when he reads this and he'll act like it's a perfectly sensible thing to do. "Our pages conatin valuable content" he'll say, forgetting that the phone book contains the same level of detail.

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