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Status check : http://www.rxmedscanada.com

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Hello Friends,


Can some one guide me about our site listing.


Site url is http://www.rxmedscanada.com


Submitted Categoty.




First category is updated on January 8, 03 but our site is not listed, if some one guide me what more we have to do then we will follow the suggestion.


Thank you.




You're in the queue along with over 150 others. This category gets a lot of spam and affiliate sites submitted so it'll probably take awhile for your site to be reviewed.


You're also in the queue of the Regional category along with a half dozen other sites.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello All and Motsa,


I have just checked that both categories where I had submitted my site is updated, but I am not able to see my site. If I did something wrong in site than do let me know, so I will correct it.


Any help or suggestion will be apreciated.


Thanks and regards,


  • Meta
Sorry, but at least _I_ dont understand... As I see it its still not listed in both of the categories - most likely because noone reviewed it yet!?

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



  • Meta

A public page is updated whenever

1) any single website or newsgroup listing is changed, added, or deleted

2) a subcategory or related category is added or removed.

3) the "mozzie" figure or category description is changed.4) a change in any subcategory or related category affects the number of sites listed in that other category.


These changes usually happen "almost instantly" unless the server is bogged down (which has been often recently), although class #2 and 4 changes may be delayed if the RDF is being built (which, lately, means most of the time).

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