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Status of: http://www.interactivepages.co.uk

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You're already listed in http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Designers/Dynamic_and_Multimedia/I and are in the queue for the Regional category you noted.


What is the purpose of the .exe file that it tries to run (ipserve.exe)? It appears to be how you're serving up your pages but you might want to rethink that. Many surfers (and editors) don't look kindly on a site that appears to be trying to download and run a program on their machine (in this day and age of viruses, no one wants to run an .exe without knowledge or consent). Also, you might want to consider removing the script you run that resizes the page to fill the screen -- it just annoys people and really doesn't add anything to the experience.


Yes, I'm the editor that canned it in Cambridge for just those reasons back in December. I couldn't see any useful content or contact details in 2 different browsers and I wasn't about to welcome alien exes.


Still, it's back in the queue there and I'm sure somebody will revue it eventually.


Thank you for your prompt reply.


Although the purpose of the .exe file is merely to dynamically generate all web pages running on the server rather than the user's machine, I take your point that the novice user might be frightened off when seeing an exe file in the address bar (if they do!).


We have now addressed these issues and up-dated the site,


Kind regards,



Thank you for your comments. We have now addressed the issues raised and the site has been up-dated accordingly.


We hope now that some useful contents can be seen on different browsers.


Kind regards



Ummm, hardly a novice, I'm an ODP editor <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />.


Whether or not you intended that exe to run on my machine, IE6 certainly thought you did and asked my permission.


Whatever. Thanks for taking our comments on board and making appropriate changes. It's now listed in Cambridge.


Oh, and it now works in Mozilla 1.2.1 so I didn't have to use IE again <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />


Thank you. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Kind regards,


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