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Altnerative Free listing sources?

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I've read that DMOZ is currently working on a way of distributing their updated listings and data. In the mean time, are there good places that you can post for free that will get you into some of the major search engines? I tried a program called AddWeb but all it did was open my mailbox to tons of SPAM.


Thank you in advance.


Sorry - this forum is for discussing ODP matters only. If you are looking for search engine promotion advice, either employ a knowledgable SEO company (I'm able to put you in touch with one if you want-private message me for details) or consult one of the many forums about the subject - such as http://www.webmastersworld.com/ and http://searchengineforums.com/


The ODP RDF production will be fixed as soon as possible.


Thank you for the info, I appreciate it.


Please don't mistake my request as a complaint about DMOZ. I find it hard to complain about anything that is free! My only concern is that according to posts listed here, the engine hasn't been updated in months so I'm trying to learn about alternatives to increase my visibility until my info in DMOZ is distributed.

Even without the ODP RDF dump to update external directories, data does filter on down. The Google search engine still spiders the dmoz.org site on a regular basis, and picks up new listings. The ODP does not have any control over this schedule, nor what is done with the data that is found.

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