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Status of http://www.geocities.com/cgrossi05/

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It's not there, nor has any editor moved or deleted it. It looks ike it didn't get into the suggestion pool.


I suggest you resubmit.


I strongly suggest you find a more specific subcategory into which to place your suggestion. Thanks.


I strongly suggest you find a more specific subcategory into which to place your suggestion. Thanks.


Just to understand: djdeeds, are you sure that a more specific subcategory (of Promotion/) for that type of site actually exists in ODP?

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Good point, LowLevel.


cgrossi2 - while djdeeds' suggestion is a good one generally, it doesn't apply to your site, since it is of a type that is not listable at all in the ODP. Our guidelines are not available at this moment because of a bug, otherwise I would have provided you with a link to them; they expressly forbid listing that kind of site.

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
Whoops. Guess I should have bothered to look at the site before recommending resubmittal. I was just looking at how broad (and full) that cat was. :rolleyes:
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