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  • 5 weeks later...



Please let me know the status of http://www.gamefest.com submitted to:




I submitted a post last month around this time, but hadn't read the fine print (that I should wait to post until a month after I had last submitted my entry).


I also submitted a related site, Gamefest.com GameWire to the Board game resource site:




Thanks much,

Adam Hill


http://www.gamefest.com is waiting to be reviewed. This URL has been submitted many times to different categories. Please do not submit again!


Other question has been answered if that is the one you are referring to.


Feel free to bookmark and use this thread in at least 6 months from now if you do not see gamefest listed.


Sorry about the multiple submissions--I got some bad information from a friend whose site was approved, and told me that he just submitted it weekly until someone approved it. I should have read the submission guidelines more closely. No more submissions--I promise!




  • 6 months later...
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