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donaldb do you think is a good category for a new editor? what are my chances of getting accepted? I love the sport of martial arts and that is the reason i picked the category <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> . thank you for checking my application.

I'm not a meta so cant see the applications.


That said I'd say it's a very good category to start as it's quite small and allows you to get an entire category in great shape. There are other similar categories nearby to migrate to after that, and the next level up is not overly large.


Whether you get accepted depends on how well you wrote the titles and descriptions in the application, with respect to the guidelines http://dmoz.org/guidelines/describing.html .


Also whether you were honest in listing any sites you are affiliated with.


Good luck.

If you don't succeed try again after reading the guidelines.

<img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

I would say it's an excellent category for a new editor. It's small (6), but has plenty of room to grow (9,000+ Google hits for "Pankration"), like gimmster said.
cool, i hope i get accepted. Zoran how long did you have to wait until your application was reviwed? it's been a week already. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />
  • Meta

The amount of time for editor applications varies. Almost three years ago, I believe mine took a little over a week. I had assumed I didn't make the cut. <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />


Good luck. And remember we're all human. And all volunteers!

Curlie: Been trying to give up the editing addiction since day 1. :moz:

Just before the new year I would have said a week, but in the last two weeks it seems that everyone made it a new years resolution to become an ODP editor and the queue has grown quite a bit. This is great, but it means that it will take some time to work through them all and stay ahead of the constant increase.


It's really hard to predict when an application will be reviewed, as every Meta editor deals with the queue in a different way. Some will start at the top and work down, others may concentrate in areas where they have some experience. You may get lucky and a Meta editor who is familiar with the area you applied for may drop by and review your application, or it may sit there for a while until the person who works down the queue gets to it. Just the luck of the draw <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

wow 4 hours <img src="/images/icons/shocked.gif" alt="" /> maybe because it was a Popular category.

Heh, all 11 sites! It only had 4 sites in it when I joined, so my three sample sites in the editor application virtually doubled the category overnight.


This is an area of the directory that receives a figure of nil tending towards zero submissions from the outside (except some strange Brazilian business parks, or real estate spam {yeah, really!!} from time to time), so most of the categories in that area have been built by editor suggestions, and from submissions from the inside. Of course, if anyone has any useful standards related stuff they want to submit then note that the "submit to listing time" is usually measured in days rather than months; however, sites really do need to be on topic with the category (just like in the rest of the ODP), but as a category will contain at most 3 or 4 unreviewed sites anything wrongly submitted or trying it on is blatently obvious; hint: there is nothing selling anything anywhere near there.

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