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Hello. Just wanted to see if we were in line somewhere. I cannot remember the exact category and date, but must have been at least 4 months ago. I guess we got deleted? Any information is helpful. I'm pretty sure I followed the guidelines well, but uncertain if our site is not allowed. We sell toy and design goods and help independent creators manufacture their visions. Anyhow any news is good news! BTW, if our site is permissible and something simply went wrong, some advice on re-submitting would be helpful.
Your site is not in the queue for that category. It looks like you need to re-submit (making a note of the category this time) and come back here in a month's time to see what's happening.

GULP...I'm worried about re-applying but I will if you think its best.

<img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" />

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