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What if individuals not affilitated with a particular site submit that site not knowing that the site has already been submitted. For instance, say someone finds a great site about monkeys and submits it and does not realize that it is already on dmoz under a different catagory, etc. What protects the company from being considered a spammer when they have no control over the public?


Thanks, Lori

  • Meta
All that will happen is that an editor will look at the submission, notice that it is already listed and delete it. Nothing will happen to the existing listing - a handful of people suggesting a site they like without realising it's already listed doesn't damage the company reputation in ODP's eyes. It might even happen that the editor realises that the site is eligible for more than one listing, or that it was wrongly listed to start with and should be moved.
Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
  • Editall
Two, or even three submissions (unless under special circumstances) aren't likely to get labelled as spam. Multiple submissions across a dozen different cats by the same person, or in a short period of time, or in totally inappropriate areas might though. Such occurances are judged on a case by case basis.

ODP Editor callimachus

Any opinions expressed are my own, and do not represent an official opinion or communication from the ODP.

Private messages asking for submission status or preferential treatment will be ignored.

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