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Status of www.visitsierraleone.org

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Hi all,


I submitted http://www.visitsierraleone.org to


http://dmoz.org/Regional/Africa/Sierra_Leone/Travel_and_Tourism/ a few months ago...just checking if submission was successful and current status...


When applying to be an editor, do you get rejected for possible conflict of interest? Seems that category needs an editor, i applied but was rejected - which is not unusual - but i wonder whether i should wait for this site to be approved before applying again.


Thanks in advance.


Kind regards,




Your suggestion has been received and is awaiting review. We can't predict when that might be. If it hasn't been listed in 6 months, please ask again.


do you get rejected for possible conflict of interest?
Not if the rest of your application convinces us that you can do a competent and honest job there.
  • 6 months later...



Hi all...


I've tried to abide by the rules and its now past six months... any update? The Sierra Leone section has not really been added to in a while. Any feedback will be appreciated.


Thanks for yout time!

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