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Status request for http://www.flashwebstudios.com

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The site was reviewed and the editor concluded that it was not eligible for a listing in the ODP. Sorry but I can not give you the reason but you can review the guidelines Here for possible reasons for the decline.



Not sure of the reason for the decline as I did indeed read the link (And now for the second time) and I still do not understand?


This site is not Cloaked, MLM, An Affiliate site, A Mirror, A Redirect..


Is the site's content/information identical to other sites?

No, Original content developed by me.


Does the ODP include the type of site you want to add?

Yes, My site does not contain anything listed in the "Do not Include" area


Is the site complete?

Yes, all pages have data, all links work


Is the site current?

Updated Constantly


Is the site available and does it load completely?

Yes, and quickly


A little more information will allow me to repair any issues that may stop this site from being entered into the ODP..


Thanks for your time!


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