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Status of http://babybrazil.com

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It's hanging in there untouched (not approved but not rejected either). Enquire back in another month or so.


The queue is quite large though, 200+ sites.

Thanks. I appreciate your time. <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
  • 1 month later...
Checking in - any word on babybrazil.com?
  • Meta

As totalxsive said, the queue is quite large. There hasn't been a significant change in the last month, sorry to say that.


(Btw for all other readers, its waiting in the first category mentioned up in the first posting)

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp




Is the proper protocol at this point to send an email to the moderator? Also, can someone tell me the date my request was submitted?


Not wanting to be pressing--just wanting to have an idea of how long things will take--has the queue in front of my request been reduced much? Are requests processed FIFO, or randomly?




There's no need to contact any sort of moderator.


Your site was submitted on 27/December/2002 at 22:21:18 GMT.


Queues are handled in a semi-random method. An editor is free to "pick and chose" which sites they review when, but the unreviewed queues can be automatically sorted into "oldest first", "alphabetical by submitted title", "alphabetical by URL" and a whole host of other methods: then when an editor reviews a site they are automatically taken to the next one in that order. However - the sorting is up to an individual editors preference which they can change on an ad hoc basis. You might just get an editor that takes one look at a massive backlogged category and just reviews one or two sites at total random, then again they might do the opposite and review all of them EXCEPT one or two.


Therefore, queue sizes are NOT a direct indication of "time to review" and we cannot give the latter anyway. Obversely, it there is a small or non-existant queue it COULD be interpreted as the fact the category is well maintained and hence the "time to review" is small - but it could have had 600+ unreviewed in there 5 minutes ago...

  • 3 months later...

Can I get a status on this?



  • Meta
It's still pending review with about 200 other sites. Thanks for your continued patience! <img src="/images/icons/crazy.gif" alt="" />
Curlie: Been trying to give up the editing addiction since day 1. :moz:
  • 4 months later...
  • Meta

I am relly sorry, but it has not been reviewed yet. In some areas - specially oin the Shopping/ tree - we have huge backlogs and as good as no active editors compared to that number.


Since they normally are attracting a lot of spam, it is on th one hand difficult to find good (non-abusive) editors for that work, on the other hand the work is quite boring, so many experienced editors dislike working there. So I guess it will take its time - we don't know how long that might be.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



  • 3 months later...
It's still waiting there. Sorry, but the area is swamped and undermanned.
  • 3 weeks later...

I think that I submitted our site in the wrong area--I should've submitted it under the bikinis subcategory. Our site is similar to the sites under bikinis, and I can see that many sites have been added to that category since I put in our request. After my last post, I emailed the category editor for swimwear and asked if she could recategorize the request so that it appeared under bikinis. I have not heard back from her. So, I have no idea if this has been done or is even possible.


What is the situation when someone has submitted under an incorrect category and then is in queue for a long time? Is it true that if I resubmit my request, the old one goes away and the new request gets the new date?


My pregnancies have been 40 weeks long, and this kind of waiting feels like waiting for a child--except the gestation period is much longer AND unknown! :crazy:


My best advice to you is to just be patient (I know, it is hard to do.)


When the reviewing editor looks at the site, they will determine if it is eligible for a listing, and if so, will move it to the correct category.


If your site should be listed in a category that you do anot agree with, you are welcome to submit a URL Update request to have us consider a move.


Thanks. I'm trying. I wish I could get a sonogram to find out if it's a girl or a boy * elephant *. :)


Any idea of what the record is for waiting to be reviewed?

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