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status of http://www.tmg-enterprises.co.uk/

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  • Meta
We'll be happy to find out for you as soon as you provide us with a clickable link to the dmoz.org category you submitted to. Thanks!
Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea

There are thousands of site that use ODP data, and Google is but one of them.


In order to make that clear, we actually say in the posting guidelines on this forum Please note that all category links must point to pages on dmoz.org, and nowhere else.

Your submission has been received and is awaiting review in [cat=Business/Construction_and_Maintenance/Landscaping/Architects/]Business: Construction and Maintenance: Landscaping: Architects[/cat]. If you don't see it listed sometime in the next six months, please feel free to return for a status update on or after 25 March.
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