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Status of: WoodworkCreations.com

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Is that the most appropriate area when we cover all of Southern California? (Our designers are mobile and visit customer's homes in Orange county, San Diego County, Riverside County, San Bernadino County and L.A. County. We do have a showroom in Perris, CA but our primary location is actually mobile.
Sites are placed in Regional based on the company location not the location of the customers. I do computer consulting, and my customers are from all over the world, but nevertheless my site is placed in the city where the company address is. If I happen to fly to another city to do work, I still can't be listed in that city.
  • 1 month later...

Still no response so let me rephrase...


Is there is a reason why we would be listed in a regional category instead of a shopping category?

  • Editall/Catmv

Actually, I think I can answer that one. Compare:


Step Two


Bring your measurements and ideas to our beautiful, 10,000-square-foot showroom.


Shopping/ contains sites of which the primary focus is to allow the consumer to select and obtain goods and services over the Web. Common examples include:


  • Integrated online shopping-cart systems that allow the user to order directly over the Web
  • Online shopping-cart systems that allow the user to generate an order form to be sent to the merchant via fax or mail
  • Simple directories of products and prices that the user can order via mail or phone.

As of 2 weeks ago, we are now able to take orders from all over the United States. We have a carrier that delivers and installs all freestanding units. Currently, you can not order it online - but can order by phone - using the website as a reference as to what type of unit you'd like.
Woodwork Creations includes free delivery and installation to most of Southern California including Orange County, San Diego County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County and parts of Los Angeles County.




1.3 Q: What goes to Regional?

A: Delivery areas: A US-based site which meets the other Shopping/ criteria as given in sections 1 and 1.1 is eligible for listing in Shopping/ if it delivers to most of the US. A non-US based site which meets the other criteria is eligible for listing in Shopping/ unless the site delivers only within the boundaries of one country. In that case, the site should be submitted to the appropriate Regional/[Region]/[Country]/Business_and_Economy/Shopping category. Links to Regional categories can be found in Shopping/By_Region. A site which has a physical location but does NOT offer online shopping should also be submitted to the appropriate Regional/ category.


OK, I stand corrected, but I had to work really hard to find anything that indicates your target market is other than CA, the reviewing editor and your potential customers may have the same conclusion.


[bTW http://woodworkcreations.com/delivery.htm impres==>impress ]


I could not find any reference to We have a carrier that delivers and installs all freestanding units.


There also may be a problem with:

Simple directories of products and prices that the user can order via mail or phone. - since no prices are on the site


Point taken. As I mentioned, this is a VERY recent development to our business, due to the large volume of requests we get that are out of our local delivery areas. We'll be updating the site soon to reflect these changes.


Again - thank you very much for your time and consideration. I know you all are exceptionally busy. :)

  • 4 months later...

It has been the required 6 months since I last asked for an update.


Can you please check and update me on the inclusion of woodworkcreations.com?






p.s. I could have sworn when I checked last Thursday that we were in the index. I didn't make note of where however. When I did a search by company name and domain name today I don't see us listed at all so perhaps I was just imagining things... or maybe it's been changed since then. (kicked out?! eek!?)

  • Editall/Catmv

http://woodworkcreations.com/ is listed in [cat=Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Furniture/Custom/]Top: Shopping: Home and Garden: Furniture: Custom[/cat] for about 3 weeks.


Still waiting for review in [cat=Regional/North_America/United_States/California/Localities/P/Perris/Business_and_Economy]Perris[/cat].


(Edited to put in clickable links so that an editor doesn't have to go back to previous pages to see the present status.)

  • Meta
The search function is not reliable - the search data base hasn't been updated in a wee while now. Trust what you see in the category, and disregard the search results. :)
Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
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