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Ok I submitted a website nearly 8 months ago. The editor put it up then quickly removed it 2 weeks later. 6 months later after I resubmitted the editor has now gone and left-actually the rumor is he was removed for not following editor guidelines.


My question(s) is does that defunct all urls waiting in the queue? Should I contact the editors who are higher(top level of the category)?

Should I resubmit? If it was a violation on the editors part could my website have been caught in this? Was that why it was removed?

If it was a result of Editor Abuse will every site be reevaluated or does it require a resubmit?

I'm afraid to resubmit without confirmation because of the whole spamming thing.

  • Meta
The best thing is to ask for a status in the correct part of RZ.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

The best thing is to ask for a status in the correct part of RZ.

Did that right before the Editor left-

That, however, is not really what I'm looking for just a method of what to do now?????? Should I stand on my head and do a dance? Jump through more hoops? Beg? Plead? Pray?

-since it will require a period of 6 months before another status request can be made. That is just unnaceptable :(. I'm sure there is other recourses to take with a MIA editor(are there not?).

I'm sure there is other recourses to take with a MIA editor(are there not?)
It's not really relevant. All categories have editors; it's just that the editors will be listed for a higher up category.
It's not really relevant. All categories have editors; it's just that the editors will be listed for a higher up category.


So then you are saying I should do nothing?

I don't even know if my site is still in the queue--if this was editor abuse I'm assuming everything is pretty messed up.


If the site is still there do those HIGHER up people know what the Previous Editor did or what it looks like did not do?


Should I send a note to the higher ups to ask them to review the site?


I hate to put extra work on these guys with e-mails that are not important to them and would just cause probs.

So then you are saying I should do nothing?

I don't even know if my site is still in the queue--if this was editor abuse I'm assuming everything is pretty messed up.


If are enquiring about http://www.0pn.com then I fail to see what question was left unanswered within http://resource-zone.com/forum/showthread.php?p=114544#post114544 We are unable to provide statuts checks everytime a romour gets put around.

  • Meta
Toomuch, if the changes in your attitude and this forum since you first clicked to "accept" its policies have changed, and you can no longer accept them, I'll be happy to remove your login. We do not force anyone to participate here.
I simply asked what I should do when the editor goes MIA?
Just because there's no listed editor in that precise category now is no reason to presume that the formerly listed editor is MIA...or that any editor was removed (all rumours to the contrary, of course).


A submission to the ODP should not cause tears. If it does, you need to take a step back because you're putting way too much importance on a listing here. What will happen if you wait out your 6 months and find out that the site has been rejected?

  • Meta

>it will require a period of 6 months before another status request can be made. That is just unnaceptable


Since you have rescinded your acceptance of our forum policies ...


>I feel really raped by this whole process.


... and since you've brought blatant violations of the forum policies (as well as basic civility to new lows) in that deleted post


... and since you feel that way:


Goodbye. I strongly recommend that you not contact ODP editors in any venue, and I hereby enforce that recommendation in THIS forum.

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