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Guest Geoffs_Cape

Thanks for the quick response DFY,


I'll sit'n'wait.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Geoffs_Cape

At the bottom of the category page it says:


Last update: 13:54 PT, Friday, January 31, 2003


As I'm not there, does this mean that I have not been included/rejected?



Guest Geoffs_Cape

Thanks uzs980.


Ive noticed there is not an editor for this category - what happens in this situation?


If a category hasn't got its own listed editor, it is usually looked after by an editor in one of the parent categories. So if Arts: Illustration: Illustrator Portfolios: J doesn't have an editor, it's up to the editor of Arts: Illustration: Illustrator Portfolios.


Well, that category hasn't got a listed editor? Then let's look for the editor of Arts: Illustration.


Gosh, that one hasn't got one, too? So the glorious Arts editors will look after it - but probably only occasionally and with delays, because they cover a large portion of the directory.


There are also about 250 editors who are allowed to edit in all categories they feel they have enough knowledge of.


Of course it would always better to have a dedicated editor for each nice small letter category ...

Guest Geoffs_Cape

Thanks a lot for your time uzs980.


I'm suprised that there's a shortage of editors within the Arts catagories.


Looks like I'll be sitting this one out for a while.


Thanks again.


There's a shortage of editors everywhere. We currently have around 4million sites in the ODP and no where enough editors...


Have you considered volunteering at all?

  • 1 month later...
Guest Geoffs_Cape



Could someone give me a status update please.


Beebware: I would be interested in editing a small category like this. I'm quite busy at the moment but I may apply in a couple of months.



Guest Geoffs_Cape

Thanks for your time Windharp.


If in the future I applied to edit this category, would it be appropriate to suggest this site in my application?

  • Meta

Of course you can, as long as its not listed this would not count against you. But of course you may give another site instead of it.


If you are giving your own site as an example you should consider giving another two sites you are not affiliated with. Dont forget to mention your affiliations when applying to be an editor (those fields are there by purpose ;-) )

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



  • 1 month later...
Guest Geoffs_Cape

Hello everyone,


Any news on the status of the above site?



  • Editall/Catmv
Your site is still waiting <img src="/images/icons/crazy.gif" alt="" /> , no need to resubmit <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />
  • 1 month later...
Guest Geoffs_Cape

Hello everyone,


Any news?

Guest Geoffs_Cape

Could someone let me know the current status please.



  • 2 months later...
Guest Geoffs_Cape



Could someone let me know the status of the above site please.



Guest Geoffs_Cape

Thanks for your time Jim,


I'll come back in a month or two

  • 1 month later...
Guest Geoffs_Cape



Could someone give me an update on the status of my site please?


I've noticed at the bottom of the category it say's...


Last update: 19:22 PT, Saturday, August 23, 2003


Does that mean that my site has been rejected?




A new date on bottom of the category page doesn't mean that all submissions were processed. It just means that something was changed. In this case, a site (unfortunately not yours) was added on August 23rd.


Your submission is still waiting for review.




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