Yuri A.Kamyshni Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 please can you tell me status of http://www.all-the-russian.com submitted to category: Shopping: Ethnic and Regional: European: Russian thank you!
dogbows Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 Another link needing fairy dust. http://www.dmoz.org/Shopping/Ethnic_and_Regional/European/Russian/
Yuri A.Kamyshni Posted September 10, 2004 Author Posted September 10, 2004 ??? My english not so very well, what's means "fairy dust" in this context? I can't understand what's not right, I submitted my link in this ( http://www.dmoz.org/Shopping/Ethnic...ropean/Russian/ ) category and I want to ask it status. Thank you, Yuri A.Kamyshnikov
dogbows Posted September 10, 2004 Posted September 10, 2004 Your first link to the category was not ckickable, so I just made it clickable to make it easier on the editor that is able to give you the status. Fairy dust is just a term I use. I do not have editing rights in the category you suggested your site, so you will have to wait for another editor to give you the status.
Meta nea Posted September 10, 2004 Meta Posted September 10, 2004 We ask all submitters to wait at least one month after their latest submission before asking for status. You are welcome to return and get a status report in a month's time. Thank you! Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
Yuri A.Kamyshni Posted September 28, 2004 Author Posted September 28, 2004 please tell me status of http://www.all-the-russian.com I submitted it to http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Ethnic_and_Regional/European/Russian/ more then month ago
jimnoble Posted September 28, 2004 Posted September 28, 2004 Our ATTENTION - Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING thread requires that you wait at least a month from your most recent submission before enquiring here. That was on 7th September. Please ask again in this same thread any time after October 7th.
Yuri A.Kamyshni Posted October 8, 2004 Author Posted October 8, 2004 Status? Can anybody tell me status of my submission now?
Yuri A.Kamyshni Posted October 11, 2004 Author Posted October 11, 2004 Status of http://www.all-the-russian.com Please tell me status of http://www.all-the-russian.com submitted to http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Ethnic_and_Regional/European/Russian/ I asked about it earlier but nobody told me anything http://resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=24348
Meta kokopeli Posted October 11, 2004 Meta Posted October 11, 2004 I have merged all three of your threads together, as stated in the guidelines for this forum--please refrain from starting new threads about the same site. This site is manned by volunteers, so sometimes threads get missed. If that happens, you can bump the thread again. Your suggestion from 07/Sep/2004 was successfully received and is currently pending review in that category.
Yuri A.Kamyshni Posted November 3, 2004 Author Posted November 3, 2004 When my shop will be added? I submit my last message nearly month ago and now I want to ask again status of my shop
Editall/Catmv arubin Posted November 3, 2004 Editall/Catmv Posted November 3, 2004 As you were answered on 11/Oct/2004, you may not ask again until 11/Apr/2005.
Yuri A.Kamyshni Posted April 1, 2005 Author Posted April 1, 2005 Status of my site? It's almost 11.04, and now I want to ask again status of my site.
jimnoble Posted April 1, 2005 Posted April 1, 2005 No information is available at this time. By all means ask again in May.
Yuri A.Kamyshni Posted May 4, 2005 Author Posted May 4, 2005 Why nobody can tell me status of my shop? i submit link to my shop more than 8 months ago.
Alucard Posted May 4, 2005 Posted May 4, 2005 Yuri, A suggestion of the URL awaits editorial review in that category. In the past, other submissions have been made, and have been declined. This was because editors saw the suggestion in the category you named in your enquiry and have decided that that is the better one. So a suggestion to Shopping/Crafts/Dolls/Porcelain was deleted. Also, a suggestion of the URL http://www.russianfolkarts.com was declined because it is the same company. Please make no more submissions to categories - your site will eventually get reviewed. You are more than welcome to come back for an update on or after November 4th. Thanks.
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