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Couple weeks ago I submitted page to world/bosanski/preduzeca category. It is not yet approved, but that is not reason for this posting. Real reason is that I’ve noticed that for some time there are no new pages in that directory and, what is even worse, some pages are redirect pages; some do not feature what their description say …


Is this category still active, and why do you not accept new editors if you cannot manage it yourself alone?


Thank you.


p.s. This post is in English because I receive e-mails from this category in English, and I believe that its editors don’t even speak Bosnian.

  • 2 weeks later...
what is even worse, some pages are redirect pages; some do not feature what their description say …


That happens. Sometimes people let their domains go, and other people buy them up and use them as doorways to their sites.


If you have found some hijacked sites, you can report them in http://resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5453




PS We do accept new editors. If you have any questions about that, post in Becoming an Editor - http://resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showforum=11 - and a meta will answer you.

  • 2 months later...



Prvo zelim Vam sve najbolje u Novoj godini.


Ne znam na koju ste adresu mislili. Da li sajtova koji zloupotrebljavaju svoje clanstvo ili sajta koji ja vec mjesecima pokusavam prijaviti. Ukoliko je prvo, cini se da su se stvari u proteklom vremenu malo poboljsale i vise se ne sjecam konkretnih adresa.


Ukoliko biste bili voljni da pogledate aplikaciju http://www.tamariscompany.com za clanstvo u ODP bio bih Vam veoma zahvalan.



  • 1 month later...
Tvoj sajt je objavljen u kategoriji:




Ukoliko imaš još kakvih pitanja, slobodno pitaj.




Mada mislim da bi sajt trebao biti postavljen u nekoj opstijoj kategoriji, buduci da Tamaris Company d.o.o. posluje na podrucju citave bivse Jugoslavije, uz poseban fokus na BiH, a ne samo u Banjoj Luci.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Jer je nažalost premalo aktivnih editora volontera da prate i ispravljaju krivo objavljene sajtove. Imaš nešto konkretno što bi trebalo ispraviti?
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