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Editors need to know where you submitted it to go look. They're unlikely to want to check lots of subcategories individually. I suggest you resubmit. 2 submissions are nowhere near enough to annoy us :D
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Did you submit more than one site? Was there any connection between the sites or the primary beneficiaries of any commercial results accruing therefrom?


If the answer is "yes" twice, you went wrong.


I'm still unsure what I did wrong. How do I go about removing my submission and starting all over again? (submitting one url at a time)


I am more concerned with this one than the other one.


thank you

Did you submit more than one site? Was there any connection between the sites or the primary beneficiaries of any commercial results accruing therefrom?


If the answer is "yes" twice, you went wrong.

I am reading the "guidelines" and I see no reference to what you have pointed out.



thank you


I'm writing this slowly so hopefully it will be easier to understand.


Did you submit more than one site?


simplified version: did you submit gtwebhost.com AND gthelp.com?


hint: yes


Was there any connection between the sites or the primary beneficiaries of any commercial results accruing therefrom?


simplified version: is there any connection between gtwebhost.com AND gthelp.com?


hint: yes


If the answer is "yes" twice, you went wrong.


simplified version: you went wrong


From the other thread:


Sure - these are the ones you agreed to follow when you suggested your sites




under Step One


simplified version: Step 1, 2nd Bullet Point, 3rd Sentence:


Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.




2 = multiple, related sites = gtwebhost.com AND gthelp.com, may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of = we're generous, just gthelp.com at the present time, gtwebhost.com has not so far been excluded and still awaits review and will be considered and either accepted or rejected in due course based on its own merits.


Related sites also = any others currently associated with Go-Total in case you thought of suggesting those too.


I think you mean "in a simplified manner" -- "slowly" has no affect on me only on you. ;)


Either way, Thank you for your response. I do appreciate it.


Now, if ODP wants to be that specific ...

The only relationship there is -- is that it was made by the same person/company.

They were submitted at separate 'times'. And, I only re-submitted the urls because I was told to do so by a moderator.


I guess the problem is that the guidelines are so vague that they can be interpreted in many ways.


related =

1)__ Of the same content - makes sense

2)__ By the same company/owner - doesn't make sense -- there are many sites that are owned by one company/person


Thank you ... at the very least, I am glad that gtwebhost hasn't been declined.


It would be helpful if we could keep discussion of the two sites in one place - it is confusing trying to carry on two discussions essentially about the same thing.


Related, in this context, means a business that markets/sells related services and products, but elects to market them on separate websites. Hosting, web design, content management, domain names, etc. etc. are all (for our purposes) related products and services. If there are 4 websites belonging to the same business selling each of these products separately, we will only list one of those sites. Why should Business A get 4 listings because they have put up separate sites for each services, when Business B gets 1 listing because all their services are on the same site. In fact, Business A is risking getting no listings at all because spreading their content too thin may in fact give each site insufficient content for a listing. Business in this context is taken to be the entire business portfolio of a particular entity regardless of tax and legal corporate distinctions.


So we are talking related in terms of content AND beneficiary (owner/operator/etc.)


Sites that are related in terms of content only will almost certainly fall foul of other provisions such as lack of original content, affiliate, etc.


Sites that are related *only* in terms of beneficiary are not subject to rejection on those grounds alone, though many fall at other hurdles.




Andy owns a web design site, Ben owns a web design site, they are direct competitors, both may be listed subject to having sufficient original content, even though they are both selling more or less identical services.


Carl owns a web design site and a web hosting site. They are selling related services (web services) for Carls benefit. David, his nearest competitor, owns a site selling web design and hosting services on the same site. Carl and David are entitled to *one* listing each, subject to having sufficient original content.


Ernie owns a web design site and another selling teapots. These are entirely different business areas and even though the sites may have reciprocal links each would probably be considered independently.


Frank owns a site selling retail teapots, and another selling wholesale coffee. Very careful consideration would be given as to whether to treat them as related or separately. Each site would be scrutinised very carefully and maybe several editors would get involved.


Gary cuts a deal with Frank and becomes a reseller of Frank's teapots. Frank rehashes the content of his site and gives it to Gary as part of the deal. We don't list Gary's site - it lacks original content.


The more clear cut the lack of a relationship between the content: teapots, web design, etc. the easier the decision to treat them independently. The same the other way around, the closer the relationship the easier to make a decision to treat them as related. From Internet the circle of "related" may well extend into all things technological - telephony, hardware, networking, etc.


But you also hit a point where a business is so diverse: teapots, tennis balls, computers, furniture, that we would look at them as general merchandisers.


So in your case the decision is extremely easy - Go Total gets one listing only. If you get seriously into the teapot game then we'll reconsider.


Multiple submissions of related sites means just that: sending in 2 or more related sites at any time, to whatever categories, whether one or more is already listed or waiting for review. I don't think that is vague but I guess that webowners, with their self-interested marketing hats on, might interpret it in their favour. It is irritating from our perspective but it would be unreasonable to think it won't happen. So we forgive you the initial transgression, though now you know...

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