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No site is listed, no matter how many times submitted, until it's reviewed by an editor. Did you perhaps miss that part of the submittal policies?


We can tell you something about the status (whether it's been reviewed or not) if you'll tell us which category you submitted it in.


If you submit a site often, or even just feel a compulsion to submit it often, you should be aware that there is a strong but indirect NEGATIVE correlation between that and its chance of being listed.




I can understand that Editor must review any site before addition. But what if there is NO editor for that category and subcategory for about 1 year now.


Yes its correct I tried to submit it about 3 times, in a faint dream that may be some other editor review it, but no luck.


I tried to submit it to


Regional > Asia > Pakistan > Business & Economy > Computer and internet > Internet > Portals and this category is without editor for a long time. :(


Regional > Asia > Pakistan > Business & Economy > Computer and internet has an editor... but i think not responsible to review sub categories...


Any suggestions? Recommendations?


Thanks and Regards,



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