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Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


I'm getting a read timeout when trying to open http://www.webpublicitee.com/. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> And that site is not waiting for review in the category you've given.


You sure know your site is already listed in Computers: Internet: Web Design and Development: Designers: Basic Service: C. But all right, you may try to get listed regionally, too. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />





Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


By the way, we usually list companies at their location, which is in your case Placentia, CA. The appropriate Regional category would thus be Regional: North America: United States: California: Localities: P: Placentia: Business and Economy. By the way, there's already one site waiting for review in that category - http://websitekeywordsubmission.com/ which appears to be also a site of yours. <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />


Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


My entire host is down, not just my site, I love this timing, really. Unreal. (it appears to be up now) Sorry


Anyway I am working on getting them in gear as it appears the thousands of clients they have are also down.


I have some questions though. Why when we speak here about getting listed with more than one category does it seem like we are asking for the world?


Surrex.com has three listings with Dmoz. I think they all apply and should remain this way.


I think my site should be able to be listed under








Maybe my site is listed under


on a waiting list?


I work in eCommerce for a Forbes 50 (top ten) company as a QA test engineer for 30 countries (Ingram Micro). I wonder why as I have applied for editor at DMOZ why I have been turned down three times.


I have seen a many posts here where the editors are not on the same page, is there anything taking place to clean up all the confusion? I really think Dmoz has a truly amazing future and I hope to get my listings on here correctly. So if any of you editors may... please help me understand and look at my site and potentialy list it. I have spent months making great content and even in other languages.


I look forward to a streamlined DMOZ, all best to all.

  • Editall/Catmv

Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


>>I wonder why as I have applied for editor at DMOZ why I have been turned down three times.<<


Usually the rejection letter gives some indication of why. Judging from your post, I doubt it was an instant spelling or grammar reject. Perhaps you tried too large of a category? Or maybe one that's considered too spammy for a new editor? Why not try applying to your hometown or a hobby - a smallish (20-50 sites) category is usually pretty safe.


<img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c



Thank you for your reply.



I have applied for at least five categories (not three). I wanted to help as I know Dmoz is a serious benefit to the net. I tried small and large, hobbies of mine; I tried home town sites etc., not luck.


The combination of trying to help and submitting at least five times to be an editor is enough for my taste. I hear rumors that you are all very under-staffed and at the same time you appear (only appear) to not be moving forward. The combination of my 5 requests and the fact I am working for more than five large corporations does not add up.


I am not sure who is the boss at Dmoz but I truly think some additional resources are needed soon. The potential for Dmoz to be a guerilla in this market are great. I do not think that by Dmoz overstepping its current stance they will fail; I think you will prosper. It's a matter of effectiveness and potential over patience and virtue.


In watching the public search engines such as OVTR, ASKJ, YHOO and LOOK I find it hard to believe someone has not made a serious move in regards to Dmoz. What amazes me the most is that someone just may very well profit on this service while all the editors have always remained un-paid.


My point is in looking forward and at present in regards to Dmoz something just does not appear right, so much potential so under staffed, so unforgiving.


I wish you all the best; the only reason I am here is to try to get my hard work submitted on your listings. I must resort to asking questions from a fully online super-site, I thought the idea of the Internet was to be speedy and appropriate and relevant in synch.


I pray Dmoz adds the desperately needed resources soon (with proper credentials) in order to place the growing wall of worthy submissions/sites at bay.


All my respect... hope the country club boys at Dmoz read this.




Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


I think my site should be able to be listed under

Search_Engine_Optimization_Firms and Orange County

As someone responded before, you are entitled to a listing in Regional in addition to Computers but in the Placentia category, not Orange County. You are not entitled to a listing in SEO because that is only a part of what you do (despite the fact that you stress that service on your site, even to the point of creating a specific subsite for it) -- the Promotion category description clearly states that if your company provides web design as well as promotion services, you should be listed under design. So, you are most correctly listed where you currently are (i.e. Web Design and Development).


The combination of my 5 requests and the fact I am working for more than five large corporations does not add up.
Without having seen your applications or knowing where you applied, I can only offer a generic response. Editors aren't approved based on their current or past work history or the number of degrees they hold, etc. They are reviewed based on the quality of their application. You may have been rejected in the past because (a) you applied to a category that was too large to start off in, (b) your application wasn't complete or didn't have appropriate sample sites or your titles and descriptions were bad, or © any number of other reasons. Your rejection emails should have given you an idea of why you were rejected.


[edited to add: your site is listed under WD&D W now, not C]


Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


So Placentia, I understand.


I was also told that I may apply for the local business section as another editor said this was ok? I would add the actual link here but your site is working at about 50% right now.


So all in all I could apply for these positions from what I have been told.


Local area (Placentia, CA)

Web Design Firms W

Local Business


Is this true? Is there any way you can tell me what the status is of the most recent submissions? It takes so long here to get listed; it is also hard as of late to bring up your site at all?


In Re: to editor applications - I was never given a reason that explains all the turn-downs. I think I may have had a reply such as you applied to a region to large. I know I applied to small sections too. I know you do not base past employment on approvals but I did manage every country in the globe for Ingram Micro in regards to testing. Still to me... hardly any good reasoning after my applications that I was turned down for them all.


Suggestion, look into who is applying better and call on them in such a way... you folks need more editors to make this organization fluid. Right now your site delivers this 60% of the time on my end "The page cannot be displayed"


Thank you

  • Meta

Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


No, no, no. TWO categories, not three.


The "Business and Industry" category of some Locality in Regional is only ONE category, not two. (If the locality isn't large enough to have a separate B&I category, then the listing would be directly under the locality.)


If you were, say, selling patio furniture, you might be listed in




or in




depending of course on which town the store was located in.


But not BOTH in Regional/.../Chicago and in Regional/Chicago/.../Patio-Furniture


The category names are made up to illustrate the principle; don't go looking in the directory for those examples.


Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


I understand, thank you.


So I am listed in Web Design under W


Now what do I do about getting on the directory for Localites (california) Placentia? I am sure I added myself there. If not is it possible to move one of my submissions over to this area?


Also I have seen many organizations with three listings, I am still confused about this. If I can not be under search engine optimization but only web design then why are many companies listed under (example) web design and search engine optimization and local area regions?


All best


Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


It's possible that there are companies currently mistakenly listed under both web design and SEO. I expect those will eventually get corrected (it's a busy area, you understand).


You are awaiting review in Placentia. So all you need to do now is wait patiently.


I did manage every country in the globe for Ingram Micro in regards to testing.
But that doesn't mean you'd make a good editor (I'm not saying you wouldn't; just that you're comparing apples to cats -- one doesn't have anything to do with the other).

Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


OK But for all the applications I think I more than fit the profile of at least one of the five.


You folks need more editors. I think there should be more effort into finding quality ones and not basing it on the DMOZ computer generated scripts.


May be a good idea to call on people at times, do a 5 minute interview?


I just do not feel like DMOZ is maximizing its potential. My opinion, you all work for free right? When the big boys come knocking for a buyout, who will make the money?


I always ponder this as the search engine stocks are going to see many more buyouts soon; the stocks charts paint a rosy picture as of late.


All best and good luck to you all.


Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


So is flying an Boeing 767 ER but ya have to hire a pilot after a voice interview not just a one paragraph write-up.


You editors should find places to add resources, DMOZ on my end barely keeps up with sending out page results as it is broken a lot due to "heavy load".


<img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


ODP techies have been working on the server overload issue and the problem should be getting less severe now (earlier this week editors were unable to login due to the problem - now we've been given our "own" server allocations which should help reduce the main load on the public facing server).


You were aware that you could also use http://ch.dmoz.org/ for browsing weren't you?

  • 1 month later...

Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


Site I submitted to:



I see some sites in DMOZ are listed 5 times, I understand this is due to exceptional content. I have been told I am able to post in this regional category above, please let me know where I stand. I am trying to have professional content for your directory.


Thank you for your information!


Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


I Thank you so much!


(Sorry about incorrect post locations.)


I get confused on here so is there a way to fix this next problem? (Whew 2 dimentional world)


I posted the wrong link for this category http://dmoz.org/cgi-bin/add.cgi?where=Computers/Internet/Domain_Names/Opinions



The correct link is http://www.webpublicitee.com/intermet_marketing/google-expired-domains-news.html


The wrong link was http://www.webpublicitee.com


I looked around this forum and I think this is the correct place to report this?


Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


The "correct" link you've just posted is throwing 404 errors.


It's completely out of the area I prefer to edit in, so my best advice would be to just re-submit the correct link when you get it working. It will be up to the resident editors to decide if it's in the appropriate category and/or if it has enough unique content to be listed.


Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


I'll be honest and say that I don't think that that deeplink is listable at all. The "facts" in the article on that page are taken almost entirely from a post (or series of posts) by a Google employee at Webmasterworld. Not unique content.


Re: Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.c


I added much more original writing to the site today, what do you think? I appreciate your professional insight and I hope to be able to add this link to your directory.


Prior content; I used a few quotes by a google source but actually most all of this page is written by myself.



All best

  • 3 weeks later...

I think I sent this to myself earlier, I added much more content to this and await your prof. overlook and possible submission.


Submission Status - http://www.webpublicitee.com - link below


I am wondering the status of this for submission to section




Please advise stauts of the link for url http://www.webpublicitee.com/internet_marketing/google-expired-domains-news.html

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