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Guest tac2502

Sister-in-laws's site - www.satinann.com (yes, she's a real hoot, but she keeps my brother happy). She says she submitted it to "a bunch of search engines", but doesn't know if DMOZ was one of them, and if so, where she did. It would have been back in December or possibly November.

Is there any way to find out if she did submit to DMOZ and in what category / status of that category?



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Was sent to Home/Homemaking/Cleaning_and_Stains/Fabric_Care on 12/13/02 and is in the works there. I cannot give further information, as I do not have access to that category--but it has been submitted to DMOZ.
Guest tac2502

Thanks - I'll pass it on to her.


I'll also remind her that these things take time, so not to get her panties in a bunch if it's a few more months before anything shows up.



  • 1 month later...
Guest tac2502

They say never lend anything to your relatives - that goes for advice too. Lending advice to your sister-in-law in a bad idea. I never should have told her she should register for DMOZ 'cuz she keeps bugging me about it now.


She thinks its in the wrong category (I told her that it doesn't matter since no-one looks through DMOZ's categories directly anyway). She wonders what they will say about it (I told her they usually write one liners that set expectations - it's up to her to make it clear what she wants people to know when they come to her site). And of course, she wants to know how long it takes. I told her "A while."


Any idea how long I'll have to put up with this - given that I can't disown my brother?

  • 1 month later...
Guest tac2502

Anyone have any idea if this is still in a queue somewhere?

Ann argues that it's not about washing and removing stains from satin; I told her it doesn't really matter because there isn't an exact match for her site within the DMOZ architecture. Maybe it's been bounced around categories by some editors somewhere - or is it just that the category it was sent to is not very actively edited?

Guest tac2502
Thanks much - I'll pass it on. She's pretty much forgotten about the DMOZ thing now that she's started getting some traffic from some of the search engines.
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