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Thank you for your quick reply.


I did submit my site many, many months before that but it was not listed so I tried again. Thanks again, I will wait to see if it is listed this time.


Kind regards,

Spencer Culpin

  • 2 months later...
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Can you tell me why it was rejected because the site is a busy, well established classified advertising site with lots of unique UK content?


Kind regards,

Spencer Culpin






Could any of the moderators please let me know why my site has been rejected?


Kind regards,

Spencer Culpin


The forum rules prevent discussion of a site's merits or otherwise.


I haven't looked at yours, but the usual for reason for a website being declined is insuffucient useful content.




Hi Jim,


Thank you for your reply.


My site has thousands of unique UK classified ads and I was submitting it to the UK Regional Classified section. The site is also very busy with thousands of unique visitors every day.


Can I send an email to the section moderator to ask what the problem is?


Kind regards,

Spencer Culpin

  • Meta
Can I send an email to the section moderator to ask what the problem is?

You can send an email but 99.99% sure won't get an answer.

1) editors are advised not to answer email

2) maybe some other editor reviewed your site

3) we will never discuss why a site is rejected, all reasons are available on DMOZ itself, see http://dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html#notinclude en http://dmoz.org/add.html

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • Meta

I don't know what you mean by "the section moderator", but WHATEVER it is you mean, we ain't got one, don't need one, and ain't gonna get one.


We don't care about the number of visitors. And if we did, we wouldn't know it anyway.

the usual for reason for a website being declined is insuffucient useful content.

Compare your site to others in the same game and the number of current ads you have against the best and biggest there are operating in the UK. When you get to that level, assuming they haven't jumped way ahead of you in the meantime, then we might be interested. It is a very competitive field - a general classifieds site with no unique concept covering the whole of the UK has a hell of a lot of work to do to make the grade as far as DMOZ is concerned. Sorry, best of luck.


I Give Up!


Thank you for your feedback.


I only wish you applied the same standards to all the listings in the UK classified section.


I know that you don't comment on other listings, but just take a look at the following sites that you have listed:


http://www.theukclassifieds.com is a paid for link directory that doesn't even have a submit link to place an advert.

http://www.smartads.co.uk does not have many adverts.

http://www.bargainbox.co.uk - most adverts are from 1999.

http://www.traderuk.net only has just over 100 ads


I give up. I do not have the budget that sites such as http://www.loot.com have and therefore will probably never get as many advertisers for you to consider my listing.


Kind regards,

Spencer Culpin


Thanks for pointing out other listings that may not meet our standards today. You must bear in mind that the ODP and the sites available have constantly evolved since our foundation and sites considered "state of the art" at the time they were listed may now be sad shadows, overtaken by others. From time to time sites are re-reviewed and removed if they are not up to scratch but it is like painting the Forth Bridge, especially in categories that are for marketing type sites.


As for your own site, there are other ways to make an impression other than by trying to be a general catch-all national site up against unlimited budgets. Focus on a niche the others don't do so well, or a geographical area that is under-represented. We still might not be interested but at least you'd stand a chance in the marketplace. The basics of marketing include, after all, the need for a USP (Unique Selling Point). That's what we look for in a site, unique points that sell it to us as a valuable addition. Good luck anyway.

Thanks for taking the trouble to report those sites - a little bit of quality control has gone on since you posted and their absence should show up in a few days.



Thanks for taking the time to reply to my posting.


I will look to improve my site and hopefully will be reconsidered for a listing in the future.


Kind regards,

Spencer Culpin

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