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Status of http://www.supplies-store.com

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  • 1 month later...
Guest suppliesstore

Thanks for the reply.


In January you indicated that there were less than a hundred other submissions waiting for review. Do you have any new estimate as to when the site might be reviewed?


Thanks again.

  • 1 month later...
Guest suppliesstore



Any update on the status of this site that was submitted 11/18/2002? Any insight would be appreciated.



  • Meta
We are never able to give an estimate as to when a site will be reviewed. We get thousands of submissions daily, and there are a limited number of volunteer editors to view and add these sites. Your submission from 18/Nov/2002 13:37:13 MST is still waiting to be reviewed in a queue of over 100 sites.
Guest suppliesstore

Thanks for letting me know that there are still over 100 sites to be reviewed.


In your opinion should I continue to wait...or should I possibly try to find an alternate category that has an editor?




If you have submitted to the one category that best fits your site, as the ODP Submission Guidelines ask, then why on earth would you want to submit your site somewhere else? An editor would just end up moving it to the correct category, where it would then wait for review (probably overwriting the earlier submission, bumping your site down in the order if an editor chooses to sort by date). Submitting to incorrect categories will only slow the review process down.


All categories in the ODP have editors, whether one is listed or not. Editors that have priveleges in categories that are higher up on the tree can edit in the category, and editall and meta editors can edit anywhere in the directory. I know a lot of categories with no listed editor where the backlog is much less than in other categories that have listed editors. It's impossible to predict when an individual site will be reviewed, but rest assured that your site will eventually be reviewed.

  • 1 month later...
Guest suppliesstore

I would appreciate any updated information on the status of this submission.


Thanks in advance

Guest suppliesstore

Thank you for checking. As it has been over 6 months, I am going to submit to a different category today (that is also a good fit for the site). If you would please remove the former submission.


Thanks again.

  • 1 month later...
  • Meta
Your submission is waiting in a medium sized queue, with a submission date of 16/Jun/2003. As you may be aware, the editor side of ODP has been down for an upgrade. I would suggest waiting 2 months and trying back after that.
  • 2 months later...
Guest suppliesstore

I took your advice and waited 2 months (from July 28th) before checking the status of the submission. Has there been any change from "waiting in a medium sized queue"?



Guest suppliesstore

Thanks for checking the status.


Looks like all we can do is wait. I find it a little surprising that the site hasn't been reviewed & included after 4 months (especially as there are only 125 listings in the category, so you would think new listings would be of benefit). What is a reasonable amount of time to allow for the "heap/que" to be worked down?


Without being rude, the answer is somewhere between two minutes and twenty months. There is no average, only a range. Sometimes an editors will work furiously in a category for a week or so, tire of the content and go off to edit elsewhere and not come back for quite a while.


I have, as recently as two weeks ago, dropped into a category and found site suggestions that were more than a year old. And this is within Regional/ where we generally are able to get to sites faster than in other areas of the directory.


I know that four months seems like a long time to you, but in "ODP time" it is not very long at all. Also, wait times have little to do with the size of the category or even the size of the heap. Wait times are (usually) driven by four factors:

# of submissions and amount of spam in a given category

# of editors

Editor interest (in the category)

Other things on the editor plates.


For example, when I logged on a few minutes ago, I had nearly 1,100 site suggestions vying for my attention, plus an entire heap of sites that were miscategorized several years ago, plus some sites that are reporting errors, plus, plus, plus....So I go where I think I can do the most good on a give day or editing session.


I suspect that it is similar for most other editors.


This is one of the reasons why, if you peruse the threads, you see us often as people to apply to become editors. If someone applies and takes the smallest category way out on a branch of the tree, and they do good work with it, it lessens the amount of work for every other editor -- and helps us, hopefully, have time to work on some submissions.


A long answer to a short question, but I wanted to give you a feel for some of the behind the scenes dynamics that can impact the amount of time a site waits for review by an editor. I hope you find this helpful.

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