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Please help-tryed site submission 10 months ago!

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I have been attempting to submit my site since last July 2001, with no luck! The category I chose: Shopping/Visual_Arts/Portraits_from_Photos/Pets/Digital I have tryed again recently, and notice there is NO EDITOR for this category. Is that the reason the site has not been reviewed and submitted? I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can offer. Thank you. [edited to make link clickable - apeuro]

Your site is listed in the cat you specified. You may want to check again.


[Added: Unless someone else here got to it before I posted.]


I must be doing something wrong, because when I log on to dmoz.org and do a search for: petartpix.com or just petartpix it says: No Open Directory Project results found

and if I do a search on AOL I get the same results? But, you are correct...now that I start at the beginning, and select shopping, pets, theme merchandise, portraits from photos, I see PetArtPix! As of last week there were only 2 companies listed, so this must have just finally been submitted!!! Thank you, but if you could advise why I don't see my name when I do a search?


...because when I log on to dmoz.org and do a search for: petartpix.com or just petartpix it says: No Open Directory Project results found...


The ODP search engine is only used by editors. Not only is it highly irrelevant, it's being in the process of being revamped, so all queries return "no results found."


... if I do a search on AOL I get the same results?


Questions about AOL Search or other search engines for that matter, are beyond the scope of this forum. I suggest you ask your question with regards to AOL in one of the forums listed in the following category: Computers/.../Search_Engine_Submitting_and_Positioning/Comparisons_and_Discussions/


Re: Please help-tryed site submission 10 months ag


The dmoz on-site search engine runs on an index which is generated (generally) one or two times a week. When you do a search at dmoz you can see at the bottom when the index was last updated. Changes made since then won't be visible in the onsite search until the next update.


As for data users outside of dmoz itself, dmoz makes its data available on a weekly basis. Other users download the data and update their systems on their own schedule, which we don't control, or know much about.


As long as your site is in the directory, just a little patience and eventually it'll be available in both on-site search and at downstream data users' sites.



(and what apeuro said above)

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