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I could not figure out where this question goes, so picked the general category. Sorry if it is out of place.


I submitted and never had anything show up. It has been so long that my stores main focus has changed. I wish to try for the third time to submit my site.

My question is, since nothing ever showed up, but my site may be sitting in some que some place in another space continuum... In what manner should I submit... through the regular submission area? or some other method? I do not want to add to the burden that must be in place on editor for the category I want to submit to (assumption, since my site has never gone live in the three years I have been trying to get listed)


Thank you for any help in this matter.



Start with a trip to the submission status forum and make a properly formattered request there -- that will give you a starting point and we can collectively figure out the best route from there.
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