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Change in site focus (waiting to get listed)?

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This is a repeat of question posted to the wrong forum.


I submitted (http://www.corsetsandcostumes.com) and never had anything show up. It has been so long that my stores main focus/design has changed. I wish to try for the third time to submit my site.

My question is, since nothing ever showed up, but my site may possibly be sitting in some que some place in another space continuum... In what manner should I submit... through the regular submission area? or some other method? I do not want to add to the burden that must be in place on editor for the category I want to submit to (assumption, since my site has never gone live in the three years I have been trying to get listed).


The last information I have on my site listing was in April of this year...a complicated thread having to do with where to list my site since I had so many things going on in my site. (and my confusion on what was going on with submissions.. multiple submissions and everything that i did wrong)

As far as I know the site was put in the que for Shopping/Clothing. (This was because I was doing tons of different styles of sewing, and costumes, and corsets..) I am now only doing 2 things, historical corsets and plus size (3X through 8X costumes) and actually only wish to submit the costumes and wish to put it here: http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Clothing/Costumes/


Here is the link to the old thread stuff



Thank you for any help in this matter.



  • Editall/Catmv

We prefer that you keep all questions about a site in the same thread, even if it's not in the proper forum. An administrator can move the thread to the correct forum. As for your answer....


Look there.

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