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  • 1 month later...
Guest aagha

Hi --


I submitted our site: http://www.greece101.com


to the DMOZ category:




Is my editor dead?


I originally submitted four months ago but haven't gotten listed yet. There don't seem to have been _any_ updates to that category in months! I've e-mailed the one editor directly, but she's not responsed, and the category remains unchanged.


Am I in the queue still? When was the category last updated? Does that category still have an editor?


I e-mailed that category's parent's editors, and nothing there either.


Can anyone _please_ check and let us know what's going on and how long we have to wait or what we can do to get listed?!


Sad me,


  • Meta

In reply to your post in the other thread, it seems your site was submitted Jan/28/2003. Most editors review sites by date sort, ensuring those that have been there the longest are reviewed first. Given the number of sites in the queue, it would seem that when you resubmitted it moved your site towards the end.


Currently there is no editor for the Guides category but I am sure an editor of the parent category will have it listed soon.

  • 1 month later...
Guest aagha

Question: It seem that my site finally got listed on dmoz (yaaay!), but when I do a search for it from the front door, it doesn't come up? Why might that be? Will it just take time?


If I search for other people in the same category, they DO show up, and they show up in multiple categories! What do I do to achieve the same results?


>>What do I do to achieve the same results?<<




And while you're waiting, you could read some of the many other threads in this forum and in several of the other forums on this site that talk about the delays in inclusion in the search due to the time it takes to generate a new RDF. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

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