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Waiting there for review.


Note that as you offer a geographically-focused service, you may (i.e. please do) submit also to your hometown or office location.

  • Editall/Catmv

You can't. If we deem it appropriate to create a Sports Photography subcategory, we'll do so.


However -- I can't find an office location or geographic focus on the site. If the reviewing editor cannot, it will not be accepted in Regional. (We would generally prefer to list it in the city (or what we call Locality) of your office location, or a smaller region (or metro area) in the state which reflects your true geographic focus.)


Edited a third time. You specify Orange County, so [cat]Regional/North_America/United_States/California/Counties/Orange/Arts_and_Entertainment[/cat] might be best.

  • 3 months later...
  • Editall/Catmv

In message #3, you were told the site was waiting in the Sports category.


If you check the FAQs here and on dmoz.org, you'll find you should not resubmit to any category if the site is waiting in the correct category (with exceptions for Regional/topical, Kids&Teens, sites in more than one language, and a few others that are not applicable here.)


If you're sure you accidently submitted to the Wedding Photographer category, you should submit again to that category with the description

[Please ignore -- already suggested to Business/Arts_and_Entertainment/Photography/Photographers/Sports/]


You may also reference this thread in the description.


Good luck.

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