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Submission Status of http://www.ercservice.com

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  • Editall/Catmv

We request that you not ask for status until 6 months after your last status report. That would be May 7.


You may, of course, check the directory, either directly, through the Google directory, or through a search restricted to dmoz.org, at any time.

  • 2 months later...

I wait 6 months from my last status report, can you tell me what is the status of my submission ?


I just see a competitor get listed and their new domain show me it was create on February :eek: :eek: :eek:


Thanks for your help

  • Meta

Your site is still waiting for review. As the domain name registration date is irrelevant for all purposes whatsoever(*), I can flat guarantee the editor didn't look at it.


(*) The only date that could possibly matter to us under any reasonable definition of fairness, is the date the COMPLETED site was PUBLISHED. That might have happened years before the domain name registration; it might just as well have been years afterward. In fact, we really don't have a way of finding when it was.


Fortunately, then, that we don't care about that either.


I don't see that anyone has suggested you submit your site also to the Business&Economy section of the Locality where your place of business is. The two suggestions would be evaluated separately (different times, different editors, different criteria for listing.) In the end, the site might have zero, one, or even two listings.

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