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Rejected. inadequate content (which is always the reason, when you think about it) -- but ..., more inadequate than usual: in fact, short by several orders of magnitude of what we'd be looking for in a directory this millenium.

Basically because there are not many sites listed at this time you mean? (I ask because the site is less than a month old, and I work on it 12 hours a day, and I want to find out what to change and/or improve.)


Thanks for the help,


  • Meta

Yes, that's what "content" means for a directory.


From our point of view, the surfer is already at the Open Directory: several million categorized and semi-irregularly rechecked links. What more do they need? And what of that can you do that we can't (and that nobody else has done yet either?)


It's not just size. What's the point? How does it uniquely benefit the surfer?


These are not rhetorical questions. But they are not easy questions either. And ... they are much harder than they were last millenium.

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