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Submission in additional language

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I have a site www.tembe.co.za (about a national park)which is listed in the directory. The site has been translated into German and has it's own url www.afrika-elefanten.com but is non the less a copy of the english site. The parks largest foreign language visitors are German hence the German site. I do not speak German so cannot vouch for the quality or lack thereof of the translation !! Also cannot find my way around the german section of the directory !

Is there a suitable German category to which this site may "if permitted" by submitted ? Also, is there available any assistance in doing so as this english speaking african does not wish to make any mistakes in the submission process


thanks in advance to all you German eds



The URL www.afrika-elefanten.com is already listed under http://dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Regional/Afrika/S%fcdafrika/Reise_und_Tourismus/ (whose 'English language' equilivant category is http://dmoz.org/Regional/Africa/South_Africa/Travel_and_Tourism/ ).


It's actually been listed there since 15th November 2001!


Many categories now have "This category in other languages" links which may help you find the appropriate category. Failing that, get the same person that translated the site into language X to find it for you.




To be more precise, it is listed in the above category as "Tembe Elefanten Park - Afrikanische Großtiere in einem 190 Quadratmeilen großen Naturreservat. Deutschsprachige Seite über den Park mit Unterkünften, Photos, Preise, Anreisemöglichkeiten und anderen wichtigen Infos. ". I don't speaken zu deutsch either, so I've got no idea what that really says (although the Google translation helps give me information that I wouldn't have been able to guess at)


Thanks Beebware,

more famous than what I thought



Hey - it's no more surprising than I find it. How I've managed to become so famous in my short life astounds even me <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
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