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Submission status www.tuintechnischburo.nl

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Guest spazmaster

hi, somehow the flash detector messed up. (i use flash detetction instead of javascript, since more browsers support flash than javascript)

i checked it with navigator 4.75 and now its working for all flash versions.

what would be the wise thing to do? should i resubmit or could one of you moderators add the site in the category?


You'll notice that uzs980 said in his note above "New submissions are waiting for review in that category again." There is no need to resubmit -- you're still in the queue from your previous submissions.
  • 5 months later...
The problems have been solved now, the site should be alright now in Netscape 4. However de site hasn't been submitted, and it has been some time now. Is it still waiting for review?

The site is awaiting review in that category along with fewer than a dozen others.


We're showing a submission date of July 11, so it seems that a resubmission then must have overwritten any older ones.

  • 4 weeks later...
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Site is still waiting for review.

Submission date is July 11th.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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