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Status request of http://www.debatepolitics.com

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  • 3 months later...

Change my discribtion?


I would like to change my description.


At the time of submission I wasn't too smart in the description and was wondering if this could be a reason why I have not been added - thus far. I fear re-submitting. :eek:


If you would - please change per the following. If it is still available in the mix to be submitted to the directory. If it is not, please let me know the status.


Site: http://www.debatepolitics.com

Title: Debate Politics

Description: A US politics forum for debate and discussion with hot topics in the US. Including abortion, gay marriage, us constitution, war on terror, and daily media bias.


Thank you much for you time.

  • Meta

No, that's not an acceptable description, and no, this forum is not a place to request suggested description changes. And, no, we don't even need such a place -- nearly all suggested descriptions are even worse than yours, and the editor can't use them anyway.


If, after the site is listed, the editor's description is actually inaccurate, you can submit an "update URL" request.


Thank you for the reply! :)


Can I assume the status of the submission is still waiting to be looked at?


BTW, I now see the flaws in my new description. (repetative words)

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