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Hi all, I submitted








around a month ago and about slightly less than three months before that. Thus far we've had no listing, I was wondering if this is because the site looks slightly distorted on the Mozilla browser (which is assosciated with the ODP?).


Look forward to hearing from you


Chris Reynolds

  • Meta

First, at this point there is no direct association of the Mozilla browser with the ODP -- the Mozilla Foundation is independent of Netscape/AOL, while the ODP is still hosted by Netscape.


Second, a lot of editors avoid the IE because of its mammoth security problems, and the fact that we visit many maximally untrusted (and untrustworthy) sites. Mozilla is one of the major alternatives.


But in any case, just because your CSS is so hosed that the site looks hokey on a standard-conforming browser is not a reason to reject. We accept lots of sites that are hokey-looking on all browsers. We're looking for information, not professional layout.


Could you elaborate on that please I'm not sure I follow, do you mean the directory we have submitted to doesn’t take new sites, or were you referring to something else?


(Also anyone that wants to define hosed & hokey I'd be fascinated to know)


Thanks for your time



Chris Reynolds

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