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Status for http://www.jruiz.com.br

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I would like to know the status of two sites:


http://www.jruiz.com.br and



The first is a business site (Real Estate) and the second is a open free forum to all professionals (Real Estate Brokers).


I registered the first on last September for



and the second 20 days ago for



The sites are not listed. Can you help me?




José Ruiz


I have been wondering about this. Assuming we have already have a thread open for a submission. What are the regulations for requesting status for

1. A second submission for the same url to a regional category (the original submission and status request was to/for a topical category).

2. A submission of a different URL within the same domain to a different category.


About second submission,


How I can insert the forum in the dmoz search? Although to be in a commercial domain (had the financial and operational questions), it is an independent and absolutely very important site for the real estate brokers.


Can you help me?

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