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Status of http://www.shutterland.com/ and http://www.shutterland.net/

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I don't have time to look right now, but be assured we'll only be listing one of them at most. Spreading a website over multiple domain names doesn't make it eligible for multiple listings.

Thank you for your review.


Really they are two different companies selling different products to a different customer base. I am not tryint to spam or submit multiple listing for the same site.


ShutterLand Interior Shutters - http://www.shutterland.com

Sells shutters for the inside of homes.


ShutterLand Exterior Shutters - http://www.shutterland.net

Sells shutters for the outside of homes.


Please review these sites, and I will trust your opinion.


Thank you for your time.

  • Meta

Whatever shenanigans you allege to have been played with corporate incorporation, these are indisputably "related" sites. Read the submittal policy and see what it says about "submitting related sites."


We don't usually do what it says there unless the submitter presists in pressing the case, but the policy is there to allow us to protect ourselves against spam.


And "spam" is, of course, a concept that can be defined ONLY by the RECIPIENT. We are the recipient; WE have told YOU what submittals are regarded by us as spam -- and by definition those submittals ARE therefore spam.

  • Meta

OK, I think we're clean. Shutterland.com links to the .net, and vice versa, so we don't care which to list. Ergo, we'll save .com for review, and reject .net as a copy.


You're welcome to bump the thread in 6 months (if you haven't seen it listed) to recheck on the .com status.

  • 5 months later...

Status of ShutterLand.com


Please let me know the status update of http://www.shutterland.com.


I last checked the status about 6 months ago and it was still "pending".


Also, how can I find out if the category http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Windows/Window_Coverings/Shutters/ has an editor? I have applied to become an editor but was rejected. Is it inappropriate for an operator of a site within a category to be an editor of the same category?


Thank you for your time.



Yes, it can be appropriate. One who seeks to become an editor for the sole purpose of listing one's own site is probably risking failure, and a site ban if their behavior is particularly bad.



I understand, and certainly would never look to be an editor to promote my on site.


Is there a way to appeal an application rejection, or should I just resubmit an application?



  • Meta

There is no way to appeal. Re-applications are not forbidden, and persistence is a good sign (you HAVE to be persistent to keep doing this stuff, for no pay and heavy criticism, just because you think it's a good thing to do.)


But don't reapply until you've figured out how to write a better application.

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