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Status of http://www.cbslimited.com

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Hi... what does that mean as far as how long it might take?


-The reason I ask is, I think this is our 4th (or 5th) submission since Jan '03... and we still haven't shown up!-




  • 3 weeks later...

Yea... i think that was there from 2+ years ago before i came on board. the web site was primarily an information page about the store back then. now we are a full on shopping site... top 5 in the US, top 2 online (for our business) based on sales. ALL of our competition is in the category we are trying to get listed in (moved to).


Do ya'll have any other things I can do to get this taken care of? I love chatting with you guys, but over a year with no DMOZ help for search results in our targeted category is frustrating.


Thank you for reading and i'll do anything to help the situation if i can. Any other ideas?


Thank you again!


  • Meta

>ALL of our competition is in the category we are trying to get listed in (moved to).


That's one impressive testimonial to our comprehensiveness. I'd feel more gratified, but ... funny how many submitters seem disagree.


Oh most definately. Our customers are from a very uhhhh... targeted seasonal audience. The category we are trying to get listed in/moved to contains every competitor online except 2 (that i know of and they are both new). Thats why I'm tryin to get in there so bad. Could also use the backlink for google.


We are by far the biggest on the net, and # 1 or 2 in sales (depending on who you talk to :) ) of all the people on that list. My boss is IT-friendly and "gets" the overall importance of being listed here. I gotta make sure I can tell him I'm doing all I can to get listed/moved.





ps: i think the people that disagree with what the dmoz can do, have not taken the time to do thier research. in the work i've done over the past year, its impossible to deny the dmoz's influence on search engines :cool: .

  • 1 month later...
  • Meta

I merged the new thread you started with the old one, as stated in our guidelines please keep to the original thread as it's difficult to follow a conversation when it's in multiple places. :)


Your last update was given 10-18-2004, so you are next eligible on 4-19-05 as we give status checks every six motnhs.


Sorry! I actually tried searching for that thread before I posted but was unable to locate it.


Can you guys tell me if anyone is actually tending to this particuliar category?


Thank you!



Yea I totally understand that and I know you guys are doing the best you can.


My frustration comes in by fact that we have been doing this online for 3 years (submitting here for 2), and because we have developed a more comprehensive site than anyone else, we are the biggest in the world (online). I so value this directory for its complete-ness and search engine exposure, that I feel slighted that we are still not listed. :(


I got another question....

we are listed in the "regional" portion of the dmoz... is there any benifit to putting in a "move listing" request?... or should I just leave it be?... and if I can/should try that, where do I find the form to do that?


Thank you ALL again for your help!!!!!


  • Meta
No, don't ask for a "move listing" request. The regional listing is correct: we wouldn't consider moving it. And it won't delay or prejudice the site's topical review.
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